A trick at the cost of your life: how illusionists free themselves from handcuffs and locks

The lock design allows you to open the handcuffs with a master key. Handcuff locks, with rare exceptions, are quite simply designed and do not have individual keys. This is understandable - imagine that each pair of handcuffs has its own unique key and only the one who put them on can remove the handcuffs all over the world. Therefore, without individual keys, handcuffs cannot have reliable locks.

The master key for handcuffs will be a thin steel wire, bent in an L shape to fit the size of the lock of a particular model, or two such wires. Two - since in specific models the impact can be exerted on two plates at once.

A curved hairpin, an “invisible” hairpin, which is a flat plate, will also work. Due to this shape, it is easy to bend a straightened hairpin, and in a lock it will strongly resist deformation, since it is flat and the force will go along the edge.

Russian law enforcement agencies mainly use the classic BRS-1 and BRS-2 handcuffs. These are quite simple and loose bracelets, connected by a chain of two links, which gives some freedom to the hands. They differ only in the locking mechanism, which is quite easy to open using improvised means.

In the case of BRS-1, to open it, you need to move the lock tongue clockwise, and to remove the lock, counterclockwise.

The opening diagram of the BRS-1 is as follows: The part that must be acted on in the direction of the green arrow is marked with a red line. The dotted line marks the final position of the part at which the latch will be open - if the lock is not turned on. To remove the blocker, it is enough to perform the same action, but in full rotation.

BRS-2 is more complicated, since it uses a flat key with a complex pattern (as in most door locks). Such handcuffs are opened with two pieces of wire: they must be inserted from different sides of the well and pressed on two plates, turning counterclockwise (to remove the blocker, counterclockwise).

The diagram in the case of BRS-2 has the following form: The blocker is marked with a red rectangle; it must be moved in the direction of the arrow (if it is turned on). Two red lines mark two plates that must be acted upon in the direction of the arrow until they are in the place marked with dotted lines. These plates are the latch. Since there are two plates, you will have to use two pieces of wire at once.

The main task of law enforcement agencies during arrest is to immobilize a potentially dangerous criminal. The use of wrist restraints is an integral part of the arrest procedure, but this tool can be used not only by the police, but also by criminals. That is why the question arises of how to open handcuffs without a key if you are the victim of unpleasant circumstances.

The history of the emergence and development of means for limiting the movements of the arms (and legs) is very multifaceted. The models we are accustomed to appeared in the 20th century. But cunning escape artists have found a way to avoid this punishment, and we will tell you about all these methods.

How to open handcuffs without a key

Handcuffs have many different models. But they all go back to a design patented in 1912.

The principle turned out to be extremely simple - snapping in one direction thanks to notches, fixing the mechanism after closing and the ability to adjust to individual wrist circumference.

Before moving on to instructions on how to get out of handcuffs without a key, you need to familiarize yourself with each type of fastening:

  1. Hinged:
    used to contain especially dangerous criminals. The angle of mobility tends to 90 degrees and one axis of rotation. When fixing the hands behind the back, they impose restrictions on mobility - it is impossible to move the wrists to a comfortable position in front. If present, master keys can be cracked like any other type.
  2. Monolithic:
    completely limit the brushes. They are considered the most difficult to remove and are practically not used.
  3. Finger braces:
    Place over the thumbs to reduce mobility as much as possible. Slow down movements. With trained hands and fingers they are not dangerous. You can open the lock even with latches by concentrating your efforts on your index and middle fingers.
  4. Chain:
    A common model for most law enforcement agencies. It will be used in 99 cases out of 100. It provides a wide degree of mobility for the prisoner’s hands, namely, all 360. If the hands were fixed behind the back, then they can be safely passed through oneself and extended to the front side. They are opened with an ordinary paper clip in two minutes with proper skill. Exceptions will be individually developed models for special services, where the locking mechanism model is modernized.

Figure 1. Main types of handcuffs: 1 - hinged, 2 - monolithic, 3 - finger, 4 - chain
The three above types are common in regions with increased radicalism of law enforcement agencies (Figure 1).

Those who want to know how to free themselves from handcuffs without a key should be prepared not only for steel restraints, but also for psychological pressure during detention. Regardless of how you ended up under the close supervision of the detainees, remember: their goal is to break your spirit and body.

The detention procedure always follows the same algorithm:

  • Suppress resistance;
  • Clasp your hands behind your back;
  • Record them.

Your trump card is in the “suppress resistance” point. You can try to surrender voluntarily by moving your arms forward to lock them without twisting them behind your back. It will be much easier to open the shackles from this position.

Myths about removing handcuffs

Misconceptions and myths always stop the process of finding new options and solving problems.

This is especially true of how to get out of handcuffs without a key:

  1. The chain can be broken:
    yes and no. This is only possible if the chain is made of aluminum or brass - metals known for their malleability and ductility. Since police bracelets are made from high-carbon steel, you are more likely to injure your wrist than break your chain.
  2. Can be opened in one movement:
    no. Absolutely and irrevocably. The exception is that you have a universal master key for a specific model. The hacking procedure takes from five minutes to half an hour.
  3. This is an easy task:
    no. Your main goal will be to overcome fear and panic. The psychological factor of detention can easily unsettle. Instructions will be forgotten and skills will be lost, but only until the state of passion passes. The autopsy procedure requires cold calculation, so take care of the auto-training of your psyche in advance. The most famous magician who practiced breaking free from chains was Harry Houdini. According to some versions, his tricks on how to free himself from handcuffs without a key remain unsolved. On the other hand, it was just a show. Jonathan Goodwin came closest to solving the mystery. Based on his works, it can be argued that the mechanics of abstracting from a problem to solve it are bearing fruit. In an interview, the illusionist said that the most dangerous enemy is yourself.
  4. There are completely unhackable models:
    intelligence services regularly update their arsenal of deterrents. But there are no locks that are obviously impossible to pick. In 1904, the Daily Mirror challenged Harry Houdini. The shackles from which he was offered to escape took five years to be made by the master. The hack took no more than an hour. Overcoming the psychological barrier that tells you it's impossible is also part of hacking.

Don’t lose heart, go through the options and listen to your wits, it will tell you how to remove handcuffs without a key in almost any situation.

Method 3: free yourself from the plastic tie

The weak point of the plastic tie is its lock. It cannot withstand overloads. So step number 1 - tighten the “cuffs” as much as possible


A similar method works if your arms are tied behind your back.


We hope you find these tips helpful when entertaining your guests with Houdini-style tricks. Then it would be useful to find out.

Hello to all fans of BDSM and iron toys. Before making shackles, think about whether it might be better to buy them in sex shops?

I’ll try to explain now how to make shackles. In principle, this is not difficult. You will need:

1. Bench vice.

2. Hammer.

3. Pliers.

4. Hacksaw for metal.

5. A metal brush for cleaning surfaces - or a wire wheel for polishing with a drill.

6. Files - 3 pieces: flat (rough and fine), and round - for boring holes.

7. Electric drill and drill (it’s good if you have a machine, but you can do it with a vice).

8. Taps for cutting internal threads (if you want to make shackles on screws)

9. 5 bolts with nuts.

10. Sanding paper and sandpaper (for polishing). If the grinding wheel is even better.

As the starting material for the shackles, we take a strip of iron 3.5 cm wide - hoops for small barrels are made from these. Go to any metal market - they cost pennies there. We cut off two pieces and make cuts in them with a hacksaw, like this:

Now the second stage. We bend all three “tongues” into a semicircle - this will be the blank. In profile, the strip of iron will then look like this - (A). From the same wire we bend a “triangle” to the size of the shackle bracelet - this will be a hinge and at the same time an eyelet and a fastening for the chain (B). It should be slightly wider than the bracelet itself, since it will “encompass” it from the outside. It is better to bend it immediately around a piece of thick iron wire that you find - this will be the axis of the future hinge, around which the detachable halves of the bracelet (B) will rotate, opening.

At this stage, it is best to thoroughly clean everything from rust with a brush, polish it with a file and sandpaper, remove burrs, and smooth the edges. In general, it’s good to make shackles from stainless steel, but it’s more difficult to process. Then we begin to put everything together using a vice, a hammer and a handy anvil. If the dimensions are kept exactly, only a small adjustment with a file will be required (this can be easily checked at stage “A”). We assemble right around the base of the wire triangle. We bend the ears into loops and get an assembled hinge (B and D). The junction of the triangle will be hidden under a strip of iron - the result will be a strong structure (D). There is no need for welding or soldering - it is quite difficult to break it, even if you want, to straighten it too, believe our experience J.

So, the blanks for the bracelet shackles have been assembled. Here they are - two hand ones, two foot ones, plus a collar. Here they are still unpolished, but already with rings, where the chains will then be attached... In principle, if you are not too lazy to tinker, you can immediately connect the chains while assembling the bracelet, through the connector - it will be more difficult, but as a result you will get shackles that are almost real, where there will be no cuts or connectors. But then try to guess the length of the chains in advance.

Now we take each workpiece and begin to bend it so that it takes the shape of a semi-ellipse. Already at this stage, you need to mark the bracelet - measure a strip along the circumference of your wrist (ankle, neck), so that the hinge falls in the middle of the length. (When you bend, do not fall into the trap of a common misconception - an arm or leg only appears round at the wrist and ankle, but in fact it is oval in cross-section!) Take a pipe of a suitable diameter or a block of hard wood and bend around it - it will be easier and faster. Then bend it into an oval. Add 2-3 mm in length. Moreover, when bending, an error may occur, the internal diameter of the ellipse will decrease slightly. Remember that you need to leave some for the “ears” that will connect the halves when forging, and these “ears” must remain straight... It all looks like this:

Or like this. Isn't that better? J:

Now we begin to form the bracelet itself. We clamp such a “heart” in a vice, then, according to the marks made in advance, we make two folds and get this squiggle:

This is if you open it and put it on its “legs”. And if you fold it in a normal way, the shackle bracelet will turn out almost like a real one. Here, look:

Well, in general, that’s almost all. All that remains is to drill holes, take taps, cut a thread in one half of the bracelet and screw a bolt into it, then cut off all the excess from the “lugs” so that they become semicircular, and sand the edges with a file and sandpaper. And we get a finished product made by ourselves:

For those who are picking up a tap for the first time, a couple of smart tips:

1) The bracelet must be clamped in a vice, and the surface of the “ears” must be located horizontally, parallel to the plane of the workbench;

2) The diameter of the drill must be equal to the diameter of the tap barrel, and not the diameter of its thread;

3) Be sure to use a special wrench. When cutting threads, use a rough tap first, then a finishing tap (they are always sold in pairs, so you don't get confused). Do not unscrew the tap back - it is best to make the pass through;

3) And don’t rush - “The service of the muses does not tolerate fuss” J. Rotate the gate slowly, and when cutting, drop a drop of spindle or transformer oil onto the working surface of the tap, otherwise you risk splitting the tap lengthwise - hardened steel is very hard, but brittle.

The screwed bolt in its half of the bracelet sits tightly and does not fall out (you can even shorten it a little so that the tip does not stick out). As you put it on, the nut is screwed on. It’s almost impossible to remove shackles without a wrench (especially for a girl), it’s been tested.

Well, where are our pens? J

And this is the entire product assembled (click to enlarge)

See you! Good luck to everyone and sweet dreams! J If we open a normal workshop, you are welcome to place orders.

E-Mail (VORON and TANUKA):

From the Administration.

A truly wonderful product and quite affordable. I found out about a year ago - the guys asked for 2,500 rubles. per set. But, unfortunately, the workshop has not been opened to this day. We wish our colleagues good luck and hope that the problem will be solved! And orders will definitely appear!

You can order ready-made shackles here www.btoys.ru. Prices are reasonable. Any sizes, types and shapes!

This time we will be making simple leather bracers.

Rice. 1. Like this


To begin, we cut out two parts from a dense and thick piece of leather:

Rice. 2.

We cut it with a regular construction knife. Mine has a blade width of 18 mm. In principle, this is enough. But if you find a knife with an even larger blade, then it will be easier for you to work with it.


Next, as in, soak these parts in warm (~40 degrees) water for 15-20 minutes. Then we give them a shape and secure it in any way convenient for you (I simply tied each piece with ribbons on both sides). Let the skin dry on its own, which usually takes about a day.

I didn’t wait a day until the skin was completely dry, and started working with the bracers after about 15 hours. They were a little damp, but in some ways it was even more comfortable.


Using a special punch, we make holes for lacing and for rivets (they will be used as a small decoration).

Rice. 3. The photo shows the tools used to make these holes: a punch with different attachments and a rubber mallet


To make the edges of the workpiece smoother, you need to burn them:

Rice. 4.

Then wipe vigorously with a dry, hard cloth (at the same time we also use it as sandpaper).

Rice. 5. Cut the lace


Now all that remains is to strengthen the holes in the bracers with eyelets (you can also use blocks, but the eyelets are more reliable due to the metal gasket on the inside) and attach rivets. We install the rivets with a regular mallet, and the eyelets or blocks with special pliers. I have 6mm pliers. Blocks of a different size will no longer fit them, so if you are planning to buy these, first think about what diameter you need.

7. Thread the cord into the holes and you’re done! These are the bracers we got:

Rice. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10.

Handcuffs, representing a convenient and reliable way of fixing a person’s hands for any, even quite a long time, have become popular and in demand today. Surely each of us has thought about the need to ensure both our own safety and the safety of our loved ones.

And handcuffs have firmly taken one of the leading places among various means of self-defense (like, and), which make it possible to quickly neutralize the activity of an attacker, depriving him of his freedom and limiting his actions. And today we will learn how police handcuffs work, how to use, unfasten and free them without a key.

Previously, handcuffs were more like an ordinary piece of iron, which was attached to the wrists or ankles, limiting freedom and causing considerable inconvenience to the prisoner. And the lock was not used: the metal was simply welded at the place of fixation, and a hammer and chisel were required to open it.

Today, handcuffs have undergone changes not only in their design, but also in the method of their fastening. Since standard handcuffs consist of two stainless steel rings (eg.), connected to each other by a welded chain of one or two links, the specificity of their use lies in maximum simplicity.

The ability to change the diameter of the handcuff rings allows you to fix them on wrists of almost any thickness: even the most fragile hands can be enclosed in the handcuff rings without damaging the skin and without the possibility of opening them on their own.

So, to secure the attacker’s hands in handcuffs, you need to perform the following steps in the following sequence:

  1. Before putting on handcuffs, the rings should be fully opened so that your hands can fit into them.
  2. Often, when putting handcuffs on, it is necessary to neutralize the enemy or limit his freedom, since in order to securely fix the handcuff rings on the wrists, the attacker’s hands must be as close to one another as possible. It is recommended to place your hands behind your back - in this position there is the least opportunity for attempting to open the handcuffs yourself.
  3. When putting it on, you should tightly wrap the rings around your wrists: this will not cause harm to your hands, but the fixation will be the most reliable. Only after checking that the material of the handcuffs is tightly connected to the skin of your hands can you slam them shut.
  4. The device is closed automatically, which ensures minimal time spent on neutralizing the attacker. At the same time, when closing, the size of the handcuffs is also formed, which are mainly fixed according to the “shark tooth” principle: a special mechanism does not allow increasing the size of the rings to a larger one.

Now that the handcuffs are on and the hands are fixed, you can check the tightness of their girth and prevent pinching of the hands, however, in modern models of handcuffs this possibility is excluded: the arms can take an oval shape when compressed, which largely follows the shape of the wrists.

Most modern models of handcuffs can also be used to snap on ankles, which increases the possibilities of their use.

However, when using handcuffs, you should know that usually when an attacker is detained and until the freedom of his hands is limited with the help of handcuffs, he resists putting them on with all his might. Therefore, they should be used with a clear fixation of the hands; this can be the placement of the hands both in front (this is a less reliable method) and behind, when the hands are located one above the other or pressed with the back of the hand to each other.

This video will show you how to properly put on handcuffs:

Instructions and use of available tools

To open the lock, you need to know the weak points of the structure (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Design and weak points of “bracelets”

There are three vulnerable spots that will help you understand how to remove handcuffs without a key:

  1. Chain:
    To increase your chances of success, you need to put your hands in front of you. This makes working on the master key easier and faster. Yes, you will need to make it yourself, which is another reason to carry a strong, thin paperclip. You can also deliberately make this device and wear it discreetly in the lining of your shoes, outerwear or sweatshirt.
  2. Tooth Retainer:
    Attached with a toothed piece that retards the movement of the staple. It is a vulnerable point due to its mechanical nature. If the lever holding the bracket is not fixed, then it will be enough to pry it off with a paper clip or a thin piece of metal;
  3. Safety lever:
    just bend it with a master key and break the locking mechanism.

Handcuff lock

The latch is a movable part that blocks the movement of the locking arc by fixing the position of the gripping teeth. It is locked by pressing the master cylinder, and unlocked in a manner similar to the catching teeth (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Using a hairpin as a master key

How to open handcuffs without a key if they are blocked by a latch:

  1. Determine if it is active. Feel the implement for any protruding cylinder.
  2. Next, you will need a paperclip with an edge bent 90 degrees, the length of the edge is from 2 to 4 mm. Preferably made of durable metal. A hair clip will do, but get rid of the plastic clips before working.
  3. Insert it into the keyhole and turn it counterclockwise.
  4. It should rest against the head of the fastener, then continue turning the paperclip. The latch will move away and release the locking teeth.

Video will show you how to remove handcuffs without a key.

Remove handcuffs using a paper clip

If you happen to have a hard and thin instrument at hand, this will be a chance for salvation (Figure 4).

A typical solution to the question of how to unfasten handcuffs without a key is a “duck beak” hairpin. A stiff paper clip will also work.

Figure 4. Using a paperclip to remove handcuffs

To make an improvised master key, follow these steps:

  1. Straighten the material, eliminate bends and wrinkles. You want a straight foundation.
  2. Halfway through, bend the base at an angle of 90 degrees. An alternative is to bend the bent paper clip 90 degrees. You want this angle in the middle of the entire piece of metal. If you use paper clips, you can skip this point.
  3. Measure by eye 4 mm at the tip of the paperclip. Remove the plastic solder on the end using your fingers or a keyhole and bend the piece at a right angle (Figure 5).
  4. Enter the master key in the same way as the key. With the bent end you need to pry the lever of the locking mechanism. After turning as far as possible, open the locking bracket.
  5. If it does not move smoothly, or you cannot turn the locking teeth, return to the previous point about the latch. Perform all necessary operations and repeat these instructions.

Figure 5. Making a master key from a regular paperclip
For a clearer idea of ​​how to open handcuffs without a key, the video will be a good educational material.

We use master keys

It is likely that you have prepared for the conclusion and stocked up with a master key. If not, then the question of how to open cop handcuffs without a key still has a solution.

There are two types of handcuff picks:

  1. Active:
    a simple set of a thin, bent metal probe and the master key itself. To open, you only need a bent probe. It can be made from any piece of metal by bending the tip and flattening the structure to a certain point, avoiding the problem of bending.
  2. Passive:
    or in simple terms - you have a master key for all models. This item will always be appropriate in a survival kit.

Figure 6. Ready-made sets of master keys can be ordered via the Internet.
The method of unlocking a lock using a master key does not differ from those described above, and is universal (Figure 6).

Jonathan Goodwin - specially for "Idea X"

Idea X: Do you take part in creating the traps that you have to escape from?

Goodwin: I come up with most of the numbers myself. I am surrounded by kind people who don’t want things to be too difficult for me, but I don’t feel sorry for myself. But I trust the implementation of my ideas to a professional - the brilliant engineer Terry Stroud. He is ready to set any trap for me. And if I say to him, “Terry, I need a giant slingshot that will launch me into the lake,” he writes it down in a notebook and adds something like, “Okay, how hard should the impact be on the surface of the water?”

Idea X: Why do you do these stunts: out of a desire to become famous, lacking adrenaline, or just want to find the key to secrets that have not yet been discovered?

Goodwin: I think it's the latter. I am delighted when I find out from my own experience that something is actually possible. For example, when I was buried alive and managed to get out, it was damn dangerous, but no one had done this before. I had no idea if I would succeed or not, and if so, how. Or one day I had to get out of a tank of ice water, and on top there was ice about ten centimeters thick. When we came up with this trick, I had no idea how I could pull it all off. I needed to break through the ice and open the tank, and until I tried it I didn't know how to do it.

How to free yourself from handcuffs using oil

This point is only relevant if you have access to lubricants. Saliva is doubtful, machine oil is ideal. The intermediate stage is vegetable oil or lubricant.

How to remove handcuffs without a key if you have free access to the above substances?

  1. Lubricate your hands generously with oil, dip into a container of lubricant if necessary.
  2. Rotate your hands in the shackles; if you feel a high degree of freedom, move on to the next point.
  3. Fix and, retracting your hands, begin to gradually pull your hand out of the ring. Be warned, it will hurt if the diameter is significantly narrower than your brush. This method is not popular, and the likelihood of it working depends on a number of factors. The first of these is the diameter to which the fixing ring was tightened. The second is the presence of lubricants. The third is the invisibility of the entire process. The fourth is small hands or nerves of steel.

In the article we looked at how to open handcuffs without a key with minimal time. Believe that you can find a way out of any situation, and you will be able to open the most complex structure.

Anyone who watched action movies as a child remembers well how the tough guys deftly got out of handcuffs just at the very moment when the villain was about to press the button of an explosive device or cut the throat of the main beauty. But the sad outcome of recent weeks on the streets of Moscow has proven to many that encountering a police baton, handcuffs or a paddy wagon in life does not seem such a fantastic event.

The editors of FURFUR don’t know for sure whether you are saving the world, participating in demonstrations, or just getting handcuffed due to your own stupidity, but they are certainly sure that such a store of knowledge should be in the arsenal of every man. In this material, the editors understand the structure of the most common domestic handcuffs and give some practical advice on how to remove them, when at all possible.

The most common in Russia are two models of handcuffs: BRS-1 and BRS-2, respectively, with a lock of simple and complex shape. In most cases, you will have to deal with them.

It is also important to know that most handcuffs have a special clamp for adjusting the degree of tightening, which blocks the lock. In addition, there are handcuffs without chains with rigid bracelets, which leave the owner’s hands a minimum of freedom. It is almost impossible to open such handcuffs.


First of all, before you make any attempts, you need to ensure that your hands are in front of you. Even if you haven't done yoga or gymnastics, this stage doesn't seem too difficult. The second thing is to find a hacking tool. In practice, you can use any available means: paper clips, pins, watch buckles and even matches can be used. But it is advisable to find the thinnest and stiffest wire, otherwise the lock will not be able to be grasped or the tool will simply break. After this, you need to measure three to four millimeters from the end and bend the wire at a right angle. A flat plate is best suited, since it will deform less when in contact with the lock, because the force will go along the edge.


The simplest thing is to open the handcuffs without an active latch. You can usually find it on the flat surface of the handcuffs below the lock. If the latch lever is not recessed into the hole, then the latch is not active. On some models it is completely absent. In both cases, the scheme for closing the handcuffs is as follows: the teeth of the moving part come into contact with the grip, the pawl falls and the handcuffs close. When the key is inserted, it lifts the pawl and the mechanism opens. Therefore, you can pry the pawl manually by inserting a wire between the teeth of the handcuffs and the grip.



The method refers to the second type of handcuffs, that is, BRS-2. Their lock has a more complex design and is similar in this regard to door locks. These handcuffs open similarly to the previous method, but require considerable skill. To remove them, you need to take two pieces of wire, insert them from different sides of the well and feel the plates inside. The lock plate moves to the left side, and two lock plates move to the right side. Unless you are a professional burglar with a great lockpick, rest assured that doing this on yourself will be incredibly difficult and require hours of hard work. But we still believe in you, train.

For a movie character, it’s like two fingers: he took the wire, moved the lock for two seconds, and the handcuffs opened. So you look around and in your pockets for an ordinary paper clip. In the end, call for help from at least someone who can bring it.

To check whether this scheme works at all, we took a standard police special equipment BRS-2, put it on and went in search of paper clips. And we succeeded.

1. Get your bearings. The BRS-2 has a through lock, so the “key” can be inserted from any side. It opens by moving towards the far edge of the lock block.

2. Found a big thick paper clip? Its advantage is that it bends less and does not break during the opening process. Make one end like a key tongue, insert it and twist it in the right direction. It may take 10-15 minutes before you fool the mechanism, but freedom is close.

3. Found a small thin paper clip? Great, you can make an almost duplicate of your original key from it. In the BRS-2 there is not one plate that fixes the teeth of the bracelet, but two - that is why the keys have a double tongue. Something similar needs to be built from a paper clip. Opening handcuffs with such a master key will not be difficult.

How to make a device with your own hands

There are several options for making handcuffs from materials on hand. To understand the manufacturing principle, you should consider the most popular ones. These are improvised handcuffs made from an ordinary trouser belt and clothesline: these are the materials that should be considered the most durable and affordable.

From a trouser belt

The most popular option for making handcuffs yourself is the option from a regular trouser belt. For this purpose, a belt is used that is sufficiently wide and provides the necessary fixation on the hands. It is recommended to use a belt that is not smooth or varnished to prevent your hands from slipping into the loops.

The main idea of ​​the technique is to fix the hands as rigidly as possible.

According to reviews from those who have tried this technique, creating two loops that cross each other, this type of homemade handcuffs is not considered reliable: with narrow hands, with some effort, simply widen the loops to the required width and free your hands.

A more effective method is to position the belt in such a way that the hands are placed inside two belt loops, which are located one inside the other. In this case, after placing the hands inside these loops, the belt is fastened with a buckle, which gives the greatest rigidity to the resulting connection.

From a clothesline

To make handcuffs you will need about 60 cm of rope, which you can buy at a hardware store. They have a high degree of strength, are durable and affordable.

The scheme for making homemade handcuffs is as follows:

  • make two adjacent loops in the central part of the handcuffs;
  • Now you should thread the second one into one of the loops - this will create a knot in the middle of the rope and two loops at the edges, which will become handcuffs in the final version;
  • The attacker's hands are inserted into both loops, which are then tightened, and the ends of the rope secure the handcuffs around the hands and forearms.

Now the ends of the rope are tied into a strong knot. It is quite difficult to untie it when your hands are fixed in one position and there is no possibility to use cutting objects.

The video below will help you make handcuffs:

For a movie character, it’s like two fingers: he took the wire, moved the lock for two seconds, and the handcuffs opened. So you look around and in your pockets for an ordinary paper clip. In the end, call for help from at least someone who can bring it.

To check whether this scheme works at all, we took a standard police special equipment BRS-2, put it on and went in search of paper clips. And we succeeded.

1. Get your bearings. The BRS-2 has a through lock, so the “key” can be inserted from any side. It opens by moving towards the far edge of the lock block.

2. Found a big thick paper clip? Its advantage is that it bends less and does not break during the opening process. Make one end like a key tongue, insert it and twist it in the right direction. It may take 10-15 minutes before you fool the mechanism, but freedom is close.

3. Found a small thin paper clip? Great, you can make an almost duplicate of your original key from it. In the BRS-2 there is not one plate that fixes the teeth of the bracelet, but two - that is why the keys have a double tongue. Something similar needs to be built from a paper clip. Opening handcuffs with such a master key will not be difficult.

The story of one prop

"Escape from the Chinese Water Torture Cage" is one of Houdini's most famous tricks. The first such cage was constructed in 1911 in England, and the magician called the trick itself “Houdini upside down” and patented it.

The first performance of the trick took place in 1912, and the act was demonstrated for 14 years - until the death of the master. There were even rumors that Houdini died during his performance, but this was nothing more than fiction. After Houdini's death, the cage went to his brother, who worked in the same genre under the pseudonym Theo Hardin. According to legend, Houdini bequeathed that the cage be destroyed and burned, but Theo disobeyed him. However, Hardin also did not risk performing the act, and in 1940 he gave the cage to the American Sidney Radner, who collected everything related to Houdini.

Radner kept the cage until 1971, when it was then exhibited at the Houdini Hall of Fame in Niagara Falls, Canada. In 1995, there was a fire in the museum, and only the metal frame remained of the cage. Nevertheless, it was restored, and in 2004 it was sold at auction to the illusionist David Copperfield. It is still kept in his house to this day.

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