A daily routine that will help you get everything done and stay healthy

What do you need to know if you don’t know how to create a daily routine?

There are four basic rules. First, plan your future day in the evening. It’s good to do this schematically and put the sheet in a visible place. This way you can save time. How to manage everything? Here is a sample daily routine:

  • 7.00 - rise.
  • 7.00-8.00 - morning exercises, hygiene procedures, breakfast.
  • 8.00-12.00 - work.
  • 12.00-13.00 - lunch, rest.
  • 13.00-17.00 - work
  • 17.00-19.00 - sports.
  • 19.00-20.00 - dinner.
  • 20.00-22.00 - personal time, family matters, planning the next day.
  • 22.00 - going to bed.

Secondly, plan only those tasks that you enjoy doing. If you do something you don't like, you will quickly get tired and begin to experience discomfort. Thirdly, set your priorities correctly. Get yourself a diary (dated) and write down things in order of importance. For example:

  1. Problems that require immediate solutions.
  2. Important, but not very urgent matters.
  3. Tasks that can be completed another day. A dated diary is necessary not only for setting goals, but also for various ideas that come to your mind. It is impossible to remember everything, but this method will allow you not to miss important thoughts.

Fourthly, find time to relax - this is a must. However, if there are still unfulfilled tasks, try to solve them on the day off, since tomorrow you will be back at work.

Leo Babauta: “Start your day with a to-do list”

You probably very often hear phrases like “everything went wrong in the morning” or “the day did not go well in the morning.” So, how this very morning is planned has a tremendous impact on your performance for the rest of the day. Leo Babauta, creator of the ZenHabits blog and author of several best-selling e-books, presented one of his personal morning routines:

  • Wake up at 4:30 am.
  • Drink some water.
  • Determine the 3 most important tasks for the day.
  • Prepare lunch for the children and for yourself.
  • Have breakfast, read.
  • Exercise (running; biking; swimming; yard work) or meditation.
  • Take a shower.
  • Wake up my wife and children (6:30).

“I'm a fan of a morning routine, not only because this daily ritual makes me more focused and brings a certain peace to my life, but also because it gives me the confidence that I'm doing the right thing every morning. To be precise, I achieve my goals.”

Note that one item in the schedule - training or meditation - leaves the choice up to Leo: on Fridays he usually meditates, and on other days he prefers traditional sports activities. This variety is a great way to incorporate one or even several healthy habits into your daily routine. For example, run early in the morning and sleep during the day. :)

Time is money

Every business person knows how to make money. But how to manage time - only a few. There is even a special science - time management. It is taught by those who do not know how to create a daily routine so that time works for a person, and not vice versa. You need to start by analyzing your daily routine and identifying holes into which useless time is leaking. It may only be ten to fifteen minutes. However, even these are important. They may not be enough to complete the tasks assigned for the day. The second thing you need to do is outline your goals: both short-term and long-term. It is clearly formulated desires that move a person towards their achievement. Otherwise, success will not come. After this, you can plan your time. There are seven very effective tips that will help you cope with the task:

  • The 70/30 principle. It is impossible to plan the whole day. Set aside 70% of your time and schedule tasks. Leave the remaining 30% for unforeseen circumstances and force majeure.
  • Today - for tomorrow. Don’t be too lazy to make a written to-do list for the coming day. This will allow you to manage your time wisely and arrive at your scheduled meetings without being late. At the end of the business list, you can write praiseworthy phrases: “You did great! But don’t relax!” or “Keep it up! But there is still a lot to do!” They will motivate you to solve your problems.
  • Remember that the main activity occurs in the morning, so try to plan most of your activities in the pre-lunch time. It becomes easier psychologically when you realize that half of the assigned tasks have already been completed, and there is still a whole day ahead. Then lunch time can be devoted to short rest and personal calls. And after the meal, hold a couple of not very important business negotiations or a small meeting.
  • Take breaks! Be sure to rest every hour for 10-15 minutes. This method will allow you to work more productively and not get tired ahead of time. In moments of relaxation, you don’t have to lie on the sofa or smoke in the toilet. Use this time profitably: do a warm-up, water the flowers, rearrange folders on the shelf, read the press or get some fresh air.
  • Be realistic about your capabilities. You will waste a lot of time and health on achieving unattainable goals. Set yourself tasks that you can definitely solve.
  • Always clean up your work area at the end of the working day. This will help save you a lot of time in the future and will allow you to put your thoughts in order. Always keep important things in the same place and within easy reach.
  • Get rid of those things that you don't need. A person is used to leaving things “for later”, in case they come in handy. Look around you, if you haven’t used something for several months, without a doubt throw it in the trash.

To plan your time, you can keep a diary, notepad or regular notebook. Write down goals and objectives, thoughts and ideas there. And be sure to create your daily routine. A successful person can be seen from afar!

Barack Obama: "Start tomorrow today"

Barack Obama, like Winston Churchill, is a fan of family dinners. Every morning, before retiring to the Oval Office, he exercises (cardio), has breakfast with his wife and daughters, helps them get ready for school, and reads the morning press.

Regardless of the backlog of unfinished business, Obama always has dinner with his family.

“In fact, the President’s working day begins the evening before - he wakes up at 7 am, and several items have already been crossed off on his to-do list. :)

When everyone goes to bed, Obama often returns to his office to finish all the little things. In most cases, time is spent working through the papers that have accumulated during the day.”

Staying late, Mr. President catches up on lost time and prepares for a new working day, thus freeing up time for family breakfasts, sports and other morning rituals. Obama is also very adept at minimizing the likelihood of decision fatigue:

“I have no desire to worry about what I will eat or wear today, because I already have a lot of other much more important decisions to make.”

Owl or lark: does it matter?

Scientists have long divided people into two categories, depending on their degree of productivity at different times of the day. These are "owls" and "larks". The latter wake up easily in the morning. In the early hours they are cheerful and active, but by the evening they are tired and cannot do important things. Owls, on the contrary, have difficulty waking up, and their maximum activity is achieved in the evening and at night. Obviously, when planning a daily routine, it is necessary to take into account the person’s psychotype. And, for example, important meetings for night owls should not be scheduled in the morning.

However, in the modern world, early risers have an easier time, since most of the work in the office or production begins early in the morning. Scientists are confident that any person, in principle, with a strong desire, can change their biorhythms. Each of us is capable of turning from a “night owl” into a “lark”. However, this will require willpower, patience and the ability to adhere to certain rules in achieving the goal.


In nature, there are plants whose flowers “close” at night, as if going to bed. The interesting thing is that plants do this regardless of environmental conditions. Even in a dark room without windows or light, the flower will act as if on schedule. And it's not a matter of discipline at all.

The reason lies in biorhythms. That is, in periodically repeated changes in the functioning of the body.

For many people, morning is the worst time of the day. They are lethargic. Apathetic. Feel tired regardless of the duration and quality of sleep. But in the evening they seem to come to life. They experience a surge of strength and vigor.

Others, on the contrary, wake up early in the morning even before the alarm clock. Energetic, determined to conquer the world from the first minutes after waking up.

This is the simplest example of a conditional division of people according to the type of their activity. Early risers are early risers. Evening figures are owls.

Everyone is able to figure out which category of people they belong to. By adequately perceiving one’s physiological characteristics and adapting to them, a person can significantly increase his own productivity.

However, it is important to understand that biorhythms are changeable. Can be adjusted. If your lifestyle requires you to be more active in the morning, then you should change your habits. You can try to create your own schedule in such a way that your body will gradually adapt to the regime you have chosen.

The biological clock

Regardless of what biological type a person belongs to, he in any case obeys the basic laws of nature. And they say that at different times our body behaves differently. And in order to use time correctly, getting everything done, you need to know about it. The biological clock begins its work long before you wake up. It looks something like this:

  • 4 o'clock in the morning. The body is preparing to awaken, cortisone, a stress hormone, is released into the blood. This time is dangerous, as there is a high probability of heart attacks, exacerbation of chronic diseases, bronchial asthma, etc.
  • 5.00-6.00. Metabolism is activated, blood sugar and amino acid levels increase - the body “starts” the work of all systems.
  • 7.00. An excellent time for breakfast, as food is easily and quickly converted into energy.
  • 8.00. The daily peak of the pain threshold is reached. At this hour, toothaches intensify, the head hurts with particular force, and the bones ache. It is better to reschedule your appointment with the dentist until the afternoon, when the unpleasant syndromes will not be as pronounced.
  • 9.00-12.00. By this time, energy reaches its maximum, the brain works well, blood circulation increases - the optimal period for fruitful work: both mental and physical.
  • 12.00-13.00. Lunch time. The stomach digests food well, but brain activity is noticeably reduced. The body begins to require rest.
  • 14.00. Performance is still reduced. However, this is the best time for dental treatment.
  • 15.00-17.00. Blood pressure rises again, mental processes are activated, and a peak in performance is observed.
  • 18.00. The optimal time for dinner is so that the body has time to digest food before bed.
  • 19.00-20.00. This watch is ideal for taking antibiotics. The nervous system is the most sensitive. The watch is intended for quiet family affairs or friendly gatherings.
  • 21.00. This period is suitable for memorizing a large amount of information, since the brain is tuned to memorization.
  • 22.00. A great time to fall asleep. The body is adjusted to restore strength and energy for the next day. If you fall asleep now, you will be guaranteed a sound and healthy sleep.
  • 23.00-1.00. Metabolic activity decreases, pulse slows, breathing is even. Deep dream.
  • 2.00. At this time, you may feel cold, as the body becomes especially sensitive to lower temperatures.
  • 3.00. The hour when suicides most often occur. People have depressive thoughts. Better go to bed if you haven't already.

Plan your daily routine taking into account your biological clock. Then everything will work out for you!

What is included in a day, or how to distribute all tasks in 24 hours

The main thing is to alternate between rest and reasonable stress (mental and physical) and eat on time. With this attitude, many things will be done with pleasure and as if by themselves. You can take a blank template and enter the start and end times of any classes for the student.

When creating a student’s daily routine, you should take into account:

  • number of lessons on a particular day;
  • the child’s need for active and quiet rest;
  • travel time to school.

These are details that are superimposed on the basic parameters (sleep, food, rest, alternation of mental and physical activity).

So, how should a schoolchild’s day be organized?

The Jack Dorsey Experience

Jack Dorsey is a successful entrepreneur and founder of the social network Twitter. At the same time, he serves as director of the world-famous company Squer. How does he manage to combine work and leisure? It is likely that few people will like the daily routine of a businessman. But Jack's experience is truly impressive. He works 8 hours at each job, that is, 16 hours a day. However, only from Monday to Friday. He leaves the remaining two days for rest. His success lies in the fact that he draws up a thematic work plan for each day, which he strictly adheres to. At the same time, he performs the assigned tasks in both companies. A manager's working day looks something like this:

  1. On Monday he deals with administration and management.
  2. Tuesday is dedicated to manufactured products.
  3. On Wednesday, Jack is busy with marketing and public relations.
  4. Thursday is aimed at establishing and maintaining connections with business partners.
  5. On Friday, new employees are recruited and general organizational issues are resolved.

Of course, the daily routine of a successful person is very similar to the schedule of a workaholic. However, Jack Dorsey always finds time for walks in the fresh air and relaxation.

About the importance of sleep

Regardless of whether the daily routine of a woman or a man is drawn up, sleep must be given special attention. We live in interesting realities, when people do not devote the proper amount of time to their rest, or sleep longer than the body really needs. This, as a result, has a negative impact on human activity, and a clear daily routine and sufficient time for sleep give you many advantages - a person can rest and recover, there is no risk of sleep and nervous system disorders.

The best period for sleep is from 11 pm to 7 am.

Research shows that 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is enough for an adult. There are successful people for whom 3 to 6 hours of sleep is enough, but this is rather a rare exception.

Recommendations for those who want to set their own schedule and go to bed earlier:

  1. Stop surfing the Internet or watching TV series and devote time to your favorite book before bed.
  2. A couple of hours before you go to bed, take time for light exercise - running, walking, cycling.
  3. Don't eat heavy food at night.
  4. Ventilate the room before going to bed.

Daily routine of a successful person. Example: Winston Churchill on working at home

Everyone understands that Winston Churchill, as head of the British government, had irregular working hours. However, despite everything, he managed to keep up with everything and stick to his daily routine. You will be surprised, but waking up at half past seven in the morning, Winston was in no hurry to get out of bed: lying down, he read the latest press, had breakfast, sorted out his mail and even gave out the first instructions to his secretary. And only at eleven o’clock Churchill got up, went to wash, get dressed and went down to the garden to take a walk in the open air.

Lunch for the leader of the country was served at approximately one o'clock in the afternoon. All family members were invited to the feast. Within an hour, Winston could easily communicate with them and enjoy the company of loved ones. After such a pastime, he began his duties with renewed vigor. Not a single day of Winston Churchill's work passed without a long nap. And at eight o’clock the family and invited guests gathered again for dinner. After this, Winston closed himself in his office again and worked for several hours in a row. Thus, the head of the British government managed to combine work with personal communication with family and friends. And this certainly made him a person not only successful, but also happy.

12:00. Restore your energy

Use lunchtime to rejuvenate not only your body, but your mind as well. Go back to what you were listening to or reading in the morning, or try some meditation. If you are an extrovert, then chat with colleagues - this way you will fill yourself with energy even more.

If you have to have lunch at the computer while working at the same time, then at least let the food be healthy. It could be a fresh vegetable salad, a wrap with lean meats, or just a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread.

Daily routine for working from home

The daily routine of a businessman working from home is extremely important. The nature of some people's work allows them to work remotely, without even leaving home. As a rule, such workers are not used to spending time planning their workday, although this would be very useful for them. Often they work at home without any routine: they sit at the computer until late at night, then wake up late in the afternoon, exhausted and lethargic. Such workers are unlikely to ever become successful. Another thing is that if you stick to the right daily routine, you can achieve success at work. And also be happy in your personal life and at the same time maintain your health. Here's an example of how to create a daily routine:

  • You need to get up early, no later than 7 am. After waking up, take five minutes to do morning exercises, take a shower and have a hearty breakfast. After this, you should not immediately rush to work. Rest a little more, let your body wake up and get into a working mood.
  • You can work from 9 to 12. Do things that require mental stress, as at this time your memory is activated, your performance improves and your brain works better.
  • 12.00-14.00 - devote these two hours to preparing lunch, eating and afternoon rest.
  • Afterwards you can start working again, but no later than 18:00.
  • From 18 to 20 pm, devote yourself to those activities that bring you pleasure: walks in the fresh air, activities with children, reading fiction, etc.
  • At 20.00 you can have dinner with the whole family and gather around the TV to watch an interesting film.
  • You need to go to bed no later than 22:00, because the next day you will have to get up early again.

As you can see, a total of 6-8 hours were devoted to the work. However, it is your daily routine that will allow you to perform it effectively and without compromising your health and personal life.

22:00. Go to bed

No matter how hard you try to protect yourself from daytime stress at night, it can still overtake you. Various little things help in the fight against it. Turn an alarm clock with an LED screen against the wall, and keep the bedroom cool (about 18 ° C) and dark (the absence of light also helps produce melatonin). Don't think about how to fall asleep quickly - just breathe.

If you still can't sleep, turn on relaxing music or white noise, write something in your diary, or do something small and boring that you keep putting off.

How to fall asleep quickly?

It is obvious that adequate and sound sleep affects our activity throughout the day. Therefore, it is important to go to bed on time and be able to fall asleep. Follow these tips:

  1. Read an interesting book before bed. This is much more useful than watching TV or searching for news on the Internet. While reading, the brain relaxes and it is easier for a person to fall asleep.
  2. Stop exercising a few hours before your desired sleep time. This is necessary so that blood pressure returns to normal, muscle activity decreases and the body is ready to rest.
  3. Walking in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on the time you fall asleep.
  4. Don't eat heavy food before bed.
  5. Before going to bed, ventilate the room thoroughly.
  6. Always wake up at the same time in the morning, even if you still want to take a nap.

It is obvious that a well-slept and well-rested person looks healthy. He is cheerful, cheerful and determined to solve assigned tasks productively during the working day.

Weekend mode

You should do your homework on Saturday so you don't have to do it on Sunday. On weekends, more time should be devoted to loved ones, communication with family, and useful rest (going to the cinema, going out into nature, general family affairs). It is necessary to more or less adhere to the regime so that the child’s body does not experience failure. It is also necessary to limit the time a student spends playing on mobile devices or a computer and watching TV.

We recommend reading: Infourok.ru entrance for students for the Olympiad using an individual code.

A housewife is also a person

If it seems to you that a woman who sits at home with or without children does nothing, then you are deeply mistaken. In order to understand how busy a housewife’s every day is, you only need to be in her shoes once. Therefore, planning time is as important for her as the daily routine of a successful person. This will help you find at least a couple of hours for personal affairs and not become a slave to the household. In order to systematize her work at least a little, a woman is asked to keep special records. The table below shows how planned activities should be ranked.

As you can see, you need to make a plan for important and not so important things for every day. They will be performed regardless of daily duties such as cooking, washing dishes, walking a pet, and so on. Cleaning the entire apartment every day, you quickly get tired of doing everything superficially. We suggest you pay attention to one room per day. However, this must be done carefully and responsibly. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - you will practically not have to do general cleaning and you will not get tired to the same extent as from cleaning the entire apartment as a whole.

Let small tasks include goals such as changing bed linens, replanting flowers, and more. Also try to complete your daily duties in chronological order. This way you will reduce the time it takes to solve them. For example, when you get up in the morning, first make your beds, and then start preparing breakfast. Wash dirty dishes immediately after eating, rather than saving them all day (unless you have a dishwasher).

Remember! You must have at least one day off. Don't plan anything big for Saturday and Sunday. Write down on your schedule the things you can do with your family. For example, going to the grocery store. Be sure to involve your household members in the work and do not hesitate to ask your husband for help. Fill out this table for the week ahead. Then you will learn to systematize your homework and be able to find time for walks with friends, shopping for clothes and other pleasant things.

Benjamin Franklin: “What good have you done today?”

Benjamin Franklin is known not only as an outstanding politician, diplomat and scientist, but also as the creator of one of the fundamental methods of the 3rd generation of modern time management (time management). Striving for excellence and developing good habits, Benjamin established a set of moral principles for himself, later called “Franklin's 13 Virtues.”

This legendary list of good habits included the following items: temperance, silence, order, determination, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, purity, calm, chastity and humility.

Franklin set aside one week to achieve each of the above virtues and tracked his progress using a special graphical model. In addition, he developed a strict daily routine, setting aside time for sleep, work, walks and even meals.

But, unfortunately, managing his own printing business very often did not allow Benjamin to realize all his plans.

In fact, the schedule presented above is missing an item called “Air Baths”. Despite the fact that this habit took root in Franklin’s daily routine much later, we simply cannot help but remember it.

“I wake up early in the morning and for an hour or an hour and a half, depending on the time of year, I sit naked in my room, reading or making some notes. Honestly, this practice gives me great pleasure, and even if I return to bed before getting dressed, the next one or two hours of sleep cannot be compared with anything.

If you have trouble sleeping, try the Franklin Method. It is quite possible that another mandatory item will appear in your routine. :)

Work - time, fun - hour

It is impossible to work without a break. Even a business person needs to take at least one day off. We will show you how to spend it to the benefit of yourself and your family:

  1. A working person spends too much time in the office or study. Therefore, he simply needs forays into fresh air. A day off is the best time for this! Go with your friends for a picnic in the nearest forest. Pick berries or mushrooms. In the summer, be sure to go to the beach by the lake or sea. Take a boat trip on a catamaran or boat. Play beach volleyball or rent bicycles. Whatever you do, it will certainly benefit you.
  2. On weekends, the city often hosts various kinds of fairs, festivities, or just small themed parties in the park. There you can take part in competitions, enjoy performances by actors, listen to live music, eat cotton candy or popcorn, and meet old friends.
  3. A movie is also a great way to relieve the stress of a busy week. Choose a movie that will interest the whole family. And after the cinema, you can go to the nearest cafe and treat yourself to delicious pizza or ice cream.
  4. If the weather is unlucky over the weekend, you can stay home and play board games. Or watch your favorite show. Reading an interesting book will also bring a lot of pleasure.
  5. You can plan a shopping trip for the weekend. And to prevent it from looking too mundane, assign each family member to be responsible for a specific department in the retail facility. And order him to strictly adhere to the shopping list.
  6. Saturday and Sunday are great times to receive guests. And, of course, don’t forget about your parents. They also need your attention and care.

If you are a business person, do not neglect rest. Be sure to plan your day off. This will allow you not only to maintain your nerves and health, but also to begin the next working week with new strength and fresh thoughts. Thus, in order to achieve the intended result, you need to learn how to manage your time. Your daily routine and how many tasks you have time to solve largely depend on how competently you can plan your time.

To do this, get yourself a diary and be sure to create a regime that you will strictly adhere to. Study the experiences of successful entrepreneurs and follow the advice that suits you. Determine your biorhythms and create a daily routine based on your capabilities. Set your priorities correctly, this will allow you to save energy and time on minor tasks. And don't forget about sleep and rest. This is an essential part of the daily routine of a successful person.

Tim Ferriss: “Your routine should be as flexible as possible.”

Tim Ferriss, productivity guru and bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, is often asked what he actually does during the day. The interesting thing is that there is simply no concrete answer to this question, since Tim's routine changes at exactly the same speed as his plans.

However, Tim always adheres to several unbreakable rules: on Mondays and Fridays, Ferriss absolutely ignores calls from his assistants - in other words, his weekends last twice as long as the generally accepted norm; Monday is dedicated to setting priorities for the coming week and resolving accumulated administrative issues.

In addition, Tim includes a minimum number of upcoming events in his schedule, freeing himself from annoying thoughts about tasks and goals that have not yet been completed.

“The main goal is to do what you love and achieve maximum results while minimizing the time spent.”

The peculiarity of Ferriss's routine is its exceptional flexibility:

“I don’t have to do anything on this list. I only do something when I really enjoy it. None of my schedule is driven by financial obligations or regulations. If at the last moment I have a chance to do something more interesting, I always give preference to new opportunities.”

Things to consider

A schedule really helps you organize your time, get more done, and still make time for rest.

Strict adherence to the schedule mobilizes the student and creates stable daily rhythms, and stability is the key to physical and mental health.

When creating your daily routine, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • age of the child;
  • alternation of work and rest, physical and mental activity;
  • sleep takes at least 9-10 hours;
  • walks on the street and communication with peers are required;
  • If you have additional classes, write a separate schedule for the days of the week.

Taking into account all the listed elements of the daily routine, it is important to correctly and sufficiently draw up a schedule. On the one hand, if the child remains insufficiently busy, he can “hang out” on the street for hours, and there is a risk of getting involved in bad companies, in which children become simply uncontrollable by adolescence. On the other hand, the child should not be overtired; there must be a reasonable combination of load and rest, otherwise chronic fatigue can cause the child to develop astheno-neurotic syndrome.

5 recommendations to move towards your goal

  1. Shape your environment
  2. Be prepared that to achieve your goals you will need to change your surroundings, even if they are old friends. Talk to people from whom you can get ideas and inspiration. When you have people around you that you want to look up to, you will begin to progress.

    And vice versa, by regularly communicating with people who spend time on a bench drinking a bottle of beer, you will also begin to regularly spend time on a bench. At this point, development and upward movement will stop.

  3. Bad habits
  4. Another misconception is that alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and other addictive substances stimulate brain activity. These are false stimulants that temporarily create the illusion of increased performance.

    One large company included the following question in its application form for job candidates: how many cigarettes do you smoke per day: 4, 6, 8, 12? The trick to this question is that all the answers are wrong. The company hired only non-smokers...

  5. Delegate minor tasks
  6. Start your workday by completing “A” tasks. You don’t have to take everything on yourself; entrust some of the tasks to other people who will do them faster and better than you. By giving your car to a car service center or ordering an article on a freelance exchange, you didn’t buy a service, you bought time that you would have spent doing the work yourself.

    Entrust some of your daily chores to your family members. Children can go to the store or wash the dishes just as well as you can.

    Time cannot be returned, it cannot be preserved, but it can be saved, received for free or exchanged for money. Having bought a hair clipper, I cut my hair at home. At first glance, I'm saving money at the hairdresser. Taking a deeper look, it turns out that I save time on traveling to the hairdresser and waiting in line.

  7. Rest
  8. Extending working hours by reducing rest time is a direct path to breakdowns and stress. On weekends, never think about work. Make it a habit to take breaks throughout the day, giving your body and brain a chance to rest without waiting for signs of fatigue

    After a break, performance improves. Working hard literally wears out the body and leads to serious illnesses. Always find an opportunity to get enough sleep.

  9. All the fears are in my thoughts

People tend to be afraid of change. Whenever there is an opportunity to take on a new business, doubts begin to arise - what if it doesn’t work out. Fear of leaving your comfort zone is the reason for the failure of all endeavors. Having received a promotion, people continue to perform their old duties in order to feel at ease.

When you take on a new business with the mindset that something might turn out badly, the mission will remain unfulfilled. Start working with the idea that you can do it; you won’t know until you do it. Doing nothing is much worse than doing something bad.

Only discipline and consistency of effort over a long period of time will create results. Every day, one step at a time, moving towards the intended image. Taking a small step is not at all difficult and every action will bring results.

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