Sayings about books and reading. book on literature

Quotes about the benefits of reading (100 quotes)

Scientists have long figured out how to maintain clarity of mind throughout life: you need to constantly develop your brain. One of the best ways to do this is to read regularly and thoughtfully. Today people are too busy and find time to read less and less often. After all, it’s much easier to relax by picking up the TV remote control or opening your laptop and immersing yourself in the virtual reality of computer games. However, people who read have a higher chance of building a successful career, better family relationships, they look younger and live longer. Quotes about the benefits of reading are presented in this collection.

Books collect pearls of human thought and pass them on to posterity. We will turn into a handful of dust, but books, like monuments made of iron and stone, are preserved forever. M. Aibek

Sleep is good, but books are even better. George Martin

The love of books is a love that requires no justification, no apology, no defense.

Y. A. Langford

I would rather read some kind of schedule or catalog than not read anything at all. Somerset Maugham

A book is a fairy-tale lamp that gives a person light on the most distant and dark roads of life. A. Upit

The book has always been an adviser, a comforter, eloquent and calm for me, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits by saving them for the most important occasions. George Sand

A book is a device that can ignite the imagination.

A. Bennett

To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure. Charles Louis de Montesquieu

Love the book, it makes your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity.

M. Gorky

Without reading there is no real education, there is no and there can be no taste, no words, no multifaceted breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to a whole university. By reading a person survives centuries. Alexander Herzen

Books are a unique, portable magic. S. King

Love the book, it makes your life easier, it will friendly help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity. Maksim Gorky

Everyone has their own happy place. The scene that immediately pops up before your eyes is as soon as you close your eyes and mentally transport yourself to that point on the globe where life envelops you in warmth and comfort. For me, this is a bookstore with its emerald green walls and huge windows that frame the winking stars at night. The coals still glow in the fireplace, reminiscent of the color of the setting sun, and I myself am sitting in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, enthusiastically reading a book. S. Gio

It's not so important to teach children to read, it's much more important to teach children to think about what they read! George Carlin

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. F. Petrarch

Tell me what you're reading and I'll tell you who you are - that's right. But I'll get to know you better if you say you're rereading. Francois Mauriac

Without a book there is night in the world, without a book there is darkness all around.

V. Hugo

A book is like a refrigerator - you open it and are glad that it is full. And you need to consume the contents of the book accordingly - at night, in pajamas, all alone! Alessandro Baricco

You don't need a magic wand to stop time. Take tea and a book.

A book that is well written always seems too short to me. Jane Austen

The book, one of the greatest inventions of the human mind, enriches our lives with experience. What a blessing for a person that he is given the opportunity to be friends with a book and use its inexhaustible wisdom. A. Gorbatov

If you love a writer, do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with his letters and diaries, with every line that came from his pen, this will allow you to better, more deeply understand him, the person and friend whom you have already come to know and love from his books. Hermann Hesse

Books are the doors that lead you out of four walls... They teach you, educate you, with them you travel, dream, imagine, live other lives, and multiply yours a thousand times. A. Perez-Reverte

Although the opportunity to learn to read is now given to everyone, only a few notice how powerful the talisman they have received. Hermann Hesse

Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.

F. Bacon

Books are like mirrors: they only reflect what is in your soul. Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Most of us cannot go everywhere, talk to everyone, visit every city in the world. We don’t have time, money, or that many friends. Everything you are looking for exists in the world, but an ordinary person can only see one hundredth with his own eyes, and the remaining ninety-nine percent he learns through a book.

R. Bradbury

If someone next to you is immersed in reading a book, then consider that he is not near you - he is somewhere else; he has nothing to do with you - he communicates with other people. Karel Capek

Books enlighten the soul, elevate and strengthen a person, awaken in him the best aspirations, sharpen his mind and soften his heart.

W. Thackeray

Everything I know about my life, it seems to me, I read from books. Jean-Paul

Freedom exists to go to the library. I. Brodsky

Buying books would be a good idea if you could also buy time to read them. Arthur Schopenhauer

Moments of reading are the longest moments in the world. Each of them can be compared to a small eternity. G. Petrovich

To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure. Charles Louis Montesquieu

Where there is a book, a person is no longer left alone with himself, within the four walls of his horizons, he joins in all the achievements of the past and present. S. Zweig

Books are a good way to talk to someone with whom talking is impossible. Frederic Beigbeder

Books are society. A good book, like a good society, enlightens and ennobles feelings and morals.

N. Pirogov

He who reads a lot and walks a lot sees a lot and knows a lot. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

A book is a vessel that fills us, but does not empty itself.

A. Decourcel

Books are just one of the containers where we store what we are afraid to forget. There is no mystery, no magic in them. The magic is only in what they say, in the way they sew the shreds of the universe into a single whole. Ray Bradbury

One day you will become so old that you will start reading fairy tales again.

The main thing is that real literature can only be where it is made not by executive and trustworthy officials, but by madmen, hermits, heretics, dreamers, rebels, skeptics Evgeniy Zamyatin

A book is a friend to the lonely, and a library is a refuge to the homeless.

S. Vitnitsky

Heaven is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week. Alan Bradley

If we compare the intellect to a plant, then books are like bees carrying fertilizing pollen from one mind to another. D. Lowell

If there were no books in the world, I would have long ago fallen into despair. Arthur Schopenhauer

Life should be filled with books that are full of life. A. Markov

Just read and let the words caress your ears like music. Roald Dahl

What a pleasure to spend an evening like this! To be honest, I don't know any pleasure like reading. How much faster do you get tired of any other activity! When I get my own house, I will feel miserable if I don't have a good library.

J. Austin

Books are a strange collaboration between author and reader: you trust me to tell a good story, and I trust you to bring it to a good life in your head. John Green

Books are a good way to talk to someone with whom talking is impossible. F. Begbeder

Books are a strange collaboration between author and reader: you trust me to tell a good story, and I trust you to bring it to a good life in your head. John Green

Heaven is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week. A. Bradley

Books are mirrors: if a fool looks into them, you cannot expect a genius to look out. Joanne Rowling

Books are just one of the containers where we store what we are afraid to forget. There is no mystery, no magic in them. The magic is only in what they say, in the way they sew the shreds of the universe into a single whole. R. Bradbury

All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. Victor Hugo

The world is divided into two categories of people: those who read books and others who listen to those who read. It's better to belong to the first category, I think.

B. Verber

The library is a herbarium of feelings and passions, a vessel where dried samples of all civilizations are stored. Paul Claudel

Trust books, they are the closest, they are silent when necessary, and speak, opening the world to you, when necessary.

Reading is a very interesting activity, and not boring at all! Each book is like a whole world, and when you read, you can imagine yourself in the place of any of the characters, imagine what they look like, and generally learn about so many things. Oleg Roy

A good book is like an iceberg, seven-eighths of which is hidden under water.

E. Hemingway

If you don't know what to do, go to the library. Joanne Rowling

All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. V. Hugo

A person with a good book in his hands can never be lonely. Carlo Goldoni

A library is a herbarium of feelings and passions, a vessel where dried samples of all civilizations are stored.

P. Claudel

There are works that you don’t want to talk about out loud: these are books so special, rare and yours that declaring your preferences seems like a betrayal. John Green

A person with a good book in his hands can never be lonely.

C. Goldoni

By accustoming a child to a book, you not only teach him to read, but also make his future life brighter, more interesting and richer. Oleg Roy

Reading is a waking dream. This is a wonderful experience of living other people's lives, very intense living, safe, but of high quality. I have been able to read since I was three years old, or rather, I was three years old when adults noticed that I could read. The little that I remember from that early childhood are dreams in which a wonderful grandfather on some island taught me to read, and I, apparently, learned - there were no other options. M. Fry

It is no good to become an adult without reading all the children's books. Aldous Huxley

What kind of person you become will be determined by two factors: the people you interact with and the books you read.

R. Sharma

Literature is the most pleasant way to ignore life. Fernando Pessoa

Reading books is not a way to escape from life; books provide the key to understanding it. The key to reality. S. Faulks

It's nice to admit that a library doesn't have to consist of books we've read or will ever read. These are books that we can read. Or they could read it. Even if we never open them. Jean-Claude Carrier

Anyone who reads books is never bored.

I. Welsh

Do speed readers really taste what they read? Jean-Claude Carrier

Books are a plane, a train, and a road. They are both the destination and the journey. They are home. A. Quindl

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - this is an ideal life. Mark Twain

The smell of books is a spicy smell, reminiscent of a fairy tale. S. King

A deeper meaning lives in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth taught by life. Friedrich Schiller

I am sure that nothing will replace the book in the future, just as nothing could replace it in the past.

A. Azimov

Reading helps tremendously, and books are good company if you take the right ones. Louisa May Alcott

The book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

V. Rozanov

Whatever you do, whatever you do, you will always need a smart and faithful assistant - a book. Samuel Marshak

A good book is a gift bequeathed by the author to the human race.

J. Addison

Take my books away and I will fall into despair. Emily Brontë

The book is the alpha and omega of all knowledge, the beginning of every science.

S. Zweig

Nothing can replace a book. Despite the latest discoveries and new ways of storing information, we will not rush to part with the book. Dmitry Likhachev

Books have the power of immortality. They are the most durable fruits of human activity.

S. Smiles

A book is timeless if advancing time absorbs it. Thomas Mann

Books, like weapons, have the power to save or destroy.

F. Cooper

Nothing could be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book. Nikolay Gogol

The best thing about the book is that it doesn't stop at the most interesting point for an advertising insert.

Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of things understood. Fazil Iskander

Light! Always light! There's light everywhere! Everyone needs it. It is contained in the book.

V. Hugo

It is in vain to think that reading is an escape from life; on the contrary, it is an encounter with the quintessence of reality, and, oddly enough, the concentrate turns out to be not as terrible as the thin solution of everyday life. Amelie Nothomb

Of all the inventions and discoveries in science and the arts, of all the great consequences of the amazing development of technology, printing takes first place. Charles Dickens

Peace, fireplace, books, silence... Previously, this was seen as mere philistinism. Now these are dreams of paradise lost. Erich Maria Remarque

You have to live someone's life - that is, you have to read in order to gain the ability to perceive your own life with all five senses. Francoise Sagan

Our mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone to keep it from becoming dull.

It would be much better not to read Akhmatova, but to drink tea with her. It would be better to sit by the fireplace with Dickens than to devour his books. But there is no such possibility, and books remain - like hands extended from eternity to shake hands. Andrey Tkachev

A book is a dream that you hold in your hands

Beautiful quotes and aphorisms about books


A book is a dream that you hold in your hands. Neil Gaiman


No friendship can form faster or stronger than between those who love the same books. Irving Stone


Books are like mirrors: they only reflect what is in your soul. Carlos Ruiz Zafon


When I think about all the books I have left to read, I consider myself lucky. Jules Renard


It is much more useful to study not books, but people. Francois de La Rochefoucauld


...the most important thing is taught not by books, but by life itself. Elchin Safarli


There is no book so bad that you cannot learn something from it. Ludwig Feuerbach


There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not to read them. Valery Rumyantsev


It’s so nice to just read your favorite book in bed with a cup of coffee!


Books help souls travel while sitting still. Bernard Werber


You don't need a magic wand to stop time. Take tea and a book.


The world of the book is a world of real miracles. Leonid Leonov


You open books - and they open the world to you: around and inside. Anna Kudasheva


If we compare the intellect to a plant, then books are like bees carrying fertilizing pollen from one mind to another. Lowell D.


Books are the most silent and most faithful friends; they are the most accessible and the wisest advisers, and they are the most patient teachers.


When I want to read a book, I write it. Benjamin Disraeli


The creator of a book is the author, the creator of its destiny is society. Hugo Victor Marie

In a book, look not for letters, but for meaning. Proverb

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