7 Great Tips on How to Learn to Take Things Easier

Take it easy!

The life of many people consists of continuous worries: they begin to worry as soon as they open their eyes in the morning, they worry all day, anxious thoughts do not allow them to fall asleep at night. And they have plenty of reasons to worry, and having solved one problem that worries them, they immediately find another.

In general, every person has many reasons to worry. And these reasons can be both minor and serious. We can be haunted by anxiety for loved ones and our future, fear of illness, as well as worries about a crooked word from an employee or a sideways glance from a boss, etc.

People who worry about any reason are said to be vulnerable, impressionable and have a delicate mental organization. Usually you can rely on such people, they are responsible and obligatory, unless, of course, excessive anxiety prevents them from completing the task.

True, if they themselves do not change their attitude towards life, they risk eventually getting a nervous breakdown.

The antipodes of people who take everything too close to their hearts are the so-called “don’t care” people, who don’t attach much importance to anything at all, and cross out all negative events from their lives. True, people who don’t give a damn usually “take as friends” people who are responsible, because someone has to solve their problems for them.

Often the word “don’t care” is used together with the words “healthy” or “reasonable”. People who are representatives of healthy indifference decide for themselves “what is good and what is bad.” They perceive everything that seems bad to them detachedly, without attaching any importance to it. At the same time, they know how to see the positive and enjoy life.

We can say that reasonable people who don’t give a damn live in accordance with the principle: “Keep it simple!”, “Don’t worry about it” or, as the British say, “Take it easy!”

“How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” is a book by American psychologist Dale Carnegie. This means that the topic “How to approach life more simply” is truly relevant. After all, behind the worries and anxieties, we do not notice how time flies and our life passes, and stress and depression generally make it shorter.

What attitudes should you give yourself in order to look at life more simply and stop worrying about everything?


  1. Lower the high bar of demands on yourself and others;
  2. The right attitude;
  3. Don't deprive yourself of days off;
  4. Spend time alone;
  5. Find a place for the word “no”;
  6. Set aside a few hours a week for meditation;
  7. Don’t forget to write down the results of each day you live;
  8. Show kindness to the people around you;
  9. You are your best friend;
  10. Compliments play an important role;
  11. Don't neglect healthy and adequate sleep.

We don't dramatize events

There is an expression - “making a molehill out of a molehill.” It is used when talking about exaggeration, giving something unjustifiably great importance. It also applies to the case when we torment ourselves with worries about our own mistakes, significantly exaggerating their scale.

Psychologists say that dramatization of events is characteristic of people whose parents have taught them since childhood that life is a continuous series of difficulties that need to be overcome. As a result, such people, firstly, feel the need to report to someone about their actions to combat difficulties, and, secondly, they need a positive assessment of these actions. And, thus, they make themselves dependent not only on the event itself, exaggerating its significance, but also on the opinions of others.

We're not thinking about it

It seemed to us that they looked at us askance, and now we are almost building a conspiracy theory in our heads: the boss wants to fire us, the employees are plotting, etc. It’s no better if a passerby looks at us with a smile - we immediately come up with an idea that there was something wrong with our hair or clothes that made him laugh so much. And the mood for the whole day is ruined.

If we think about ourselves that we see through others and know what they are thinking or feeling at the moment, we are probably mistaken. The passerby was most likely smiling in his own thoughts, while the employee might simply be in a bad mood. By thinking for others, we exaggerate our role in the lives of other people, because everyone is primarily occupied with themselves.

If we are too worried about some omissions in a relationship, then it is better to delicately ask what caused them, rather than worry in silence. No wonder they say that the shortest path is the straight one.

How to attract money. Don't care technique

First of all, you need to decide - how much do you actually need? Have you decided? Write down the amount in a notepad and read on. The presence of at least one of the listed points is your obstacle on the path to wealth:

  • Self-pity;
  • Habit of borrowing;

  • Habit of spending more than earnings;

  • Greed, stinginess;
  • Measuring any life values ​​exclusively in money;
  • Ignoring the benefits of long, meticulous work in favor of immediate gains;

  • Exhausting yourself with hated work;

  • Constant comparison of your own and other people's achievements;
  • Complaints about life in every grateful ear;
  • Exaltation of one’s own person over “second-class” people and other circles.

None of the points fit? Then feel free to decide on your occupation for the next few years, compare the amount written in your notebook with the chosen occupation and go ahead. Does not work? Re-read the points again.

Bad habits

We will not talk here about smoking, alcohol and other addictions, but about such phenomena as envy, irritability, gossip. These too have become bad habits of most people. Becoming their hostage means wasting your time. And we only have one life. And is it worth wasting it on such nasty little things? All three phenomena are interconnected and give rise to one another. As a rule, they arise because a person is dissatisfied with his life, but, trying to compensate for his own failures, he goes to great lengths in order to denigrate his neighbor. But this doesn’t make his life any brighter. Constant surveillance and gossip about other people's lives destroy our own. If your neighbor is so bad, is it worth it?

Advice from psychologists

How to approach life more simply? Psychology has long formulated rules and recommendations and continues to create them, taking into account the diversity of the preconditions of the problem.

  • Often we complicate everything ourselves and create problems for ourselves. We must accept the world around us with its many options and paths, we must set goals and strive for them. This does not mean cutting yourself off from other people and acting alone. Just don’t participate in other people’s scenarios, don’t let fears and imposed attitudes manipulate you.
  • Reflection and relaxation will help you decide how to start approaching life more simply. Let go of everything unnecessary from your head. And concentrate on a specific case. If the situation cannot be resolved, you should change your attitude towards it. Home life and work routine will not go away. But is it worth always focusing on them? Try within yourself to answer the question why and why has this been bothering you for so long? And perhaps the answer is already on the surface. You just need to grab it.

  • When faced with serious problems in life, we often ask the world: why? Remember, everything that happens to you is only for the better. And not for anything, but in spite of it. If you have been fired from your job, perhaps this is a chance to find a new, more interesting and profitable one. If your loved one abandoned you, maybe he was never worthy of you and true love lies ahead. If you are seriously ill and your friends have turned away from you, then you need to set your values ​​differently and think about those whom you can now trust. Take any turn as a positive experience.
  • Never feel sorry for yourself! This is a waste of energy. It will only worsen your situation and drag you into even greater internal conflict. If depressive moods still take hold of you, then psychologists advise making a “shock switch.” Films about people with difficult fates with a motivating context “take life more simply,” quotes from successful people, and participation in charity will help with this. In this contrast, your problem may seem trivial. And this will become an incentive for a more positive and easier attitude towards your life.
  • Living simpler means living in harmony between the heart and the world. The ability of active and effective love will help you achieve it. Do not skimp on warm words, hugs and kind deeds. If someone does something better than you, don’t despair and don’t be jealous. On the contrary, rejoice and praise your neighbor. Perhaps your time has not come yet and you need to work on yourself. Or this activity is not for you and you should reveal your talents in another field. Think about it! And negative emotions should be extinguished immediately.

  • To quickly learn how to take a simpler approach to life, you need to accept the golden rule. Live here and now. Enjoy every moment. In the bustle of work, we often forget how wonderful it is to breathe, walk, feel, eat, drink. Greet every morning with a smile and gratitude. Please yourself and your loved ones with little things. After all, this is what our life consists of. The more you fill every moment with optimism and joy, the easier it is for you to realize how to approach life more simply.
  • To achieve your goal you need to believe in yourself and your strengths. But faith without action is nothing! You can sit and wait by the sea for the weather endlessly. Therefore, you also need to be a decisive person. Don't be afraid to take risks (reasonably) and do stupid things. Of course, the opinions of others are valuable, but not paramount. If you make mistakes, treat them as learning experiences. And from it you need to draw a valuable conclusion so that your next attempt becomes a victory.

Simple secrets of happiness

Paradoxically, everything ingenious is simple, and there is nothing complicated in happiness either:

  • Simplicity of thinking;
  • Simple attitude to work;
  • Simplicity in home use;
  • Simplicity and ease in relationships;
  • Life is easier.

The above five steps can be performed sequentially in order to experience the effect of each of them as deeply as possible. At the same time, you should not be lazy and arrange “fasting days” for yourself, during which you allow your consciousness to work at its usual pace. In this case, all the work will be in vain.

Remember that constant tension and seeing the world in black and white is just a bad habit that prevents you from living happily. If you get rid of it and force your consciousness to think philosophically and change your worldview to a bright and positive one, then life will instantly change.

Don't set yourself up for negativity

The Brothers Grimm have a fairy tale called "Clever Elsa". The young girl, whom those around her considered unusually sensible, saw the future in gloomy tones and infected those around her with her mood. For example, going down into the cellar, she noticed a pickaxe left by the builders, and fantasized about how she would get married, give birth to a child, and then he would be killed by this pickaxe, which would fall on him from the wall. Drawing such gloomy pictures of the future in her head, she burst into burning tears. Elsa did get married, but never gave birth to a child, because she first went crazy and ran away from the village.

By the way, in psychiatry there is a concept - “smart Elsa syndrome.” They call it a state of obsessive anxiety about the future, which is seen in pessimistic terms.

But, probably, in everyone’s environment there is more than one person who sees the future in a gloomy light or predicts a negative result for any action. And thus, he poisons not only his own life with pessimism, but also the lives of friends and loved ones. If this quality is inherent in us, then we quickly get rid of it.


Very often we become hostage to fears. And fears, as we know, paralyze and prevent us from moving forward easily and confidently. They vary in size and appearance. This could be fears for loved ones, fear of making a mistake, failing, being judged, etc. Regardless of the motive, fear always brings destruction, stagnation, and apathy. That is, depression.

Let’s deal with everything in order in order to objectively assess our capabilities and the obstacles to their implementation.

Living in the present, not the past

Many people have a tendency that cannot be called anything other than masochistic: they mentally return to unpleasant events of the past, experiencing the negative over and over again. They cannot forget the insults once inflicted on them. There is even an expression - “accumulating grievances.”

Psychologists believe that such “accumulation” causes a number of diseases, including cancer. Life energy is spent on replaying an unpleasant situation in the mind, on an internal dialogue with the offender, to whom we mentally try to give a worthy answer.

They say that like attracts like. When we are constantly irritated and accumulate grievances, we turn into an angry bundle of nerves, attracting new offenders. And there is only one way out of this vicious circle: forget old grievances, do not remember the offender, think about the good, start the day with a smile, attracting positivity and goodness into your life.

How to learn to approach life more simply?

Is it possible to change your pessimistic attitude? First of all, you need to clearly distinguish banal primitive indifference from healthy. Banal indifference is free drift with the flow, selfishness and ineradicable laziness. Healthy indifference is the talent to change the direction of the flow at the right moment, breadth of soul and ease of rise.

The first steps to healthy not giving a fuck:

  • Rest (leisure)

    – this is the time that no one will return. Life itself depends on the fulfillment of life: positive results in positive results, negative results in progressively negative results. By filling life with positive emotions and relaxation with favorite activities, we give our consciousness the right creative attitude.
  • Whining and complaints about life are taboo . Even among family.

  • “Pitiful little people”, “vile saleswoman”, “traffic cop”... We change the setting . You can see the good in every person. You just need to want it.

  • “I will never earn money for an apartment (car, microwave, ficus...).” A rolling stone gathers no moss. To get something, you need to make an effort.

    And with a smile on his lips and the attitude “I can handle anything.” First - the goal, then a step-by-step plan, then - confident pursuit of the goal. Even if it takes several years to get there. Do you want to become a great photographer? So, stop drooling over the works of professionals, and grab a camera and go to the courses. Dreaming of the laurels of a writer? Find your genre and learn to burn people’s hearts with your verb.

  • “Nothing depends on me anyway,” “I still can’t do it”... The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing! Expecting failure, a person attracts it. “Order” only positive things for yourself. The attitude is “I can do it”, “I can do it”, “I can handle it”. And remember the truth - “if you peer into an abyss for a long time, the abyss begins to peer into you.”

  • Money.

    There are never too many of them. It’s just that one doesn’t have enough for bread, and the other doesn’t have enough for diamond caviar or a fifth yacht. Here you will have to decide. If you’re just happy with a debt-free life, then it’s time to stop complaining about the lack of money and start enjoying fishing, picnics and intimate meetings with friends over a glass of tea. If ambitions are torn from within, then you should forget about everything written above and change your lifestyle, focusing on the road leading to enrichment.

Getting rid of perfectionism

Perfectionists are people who, no matter what they undertake, strive to do everything in an ideal way. Moreover, this perfectionism can also be directed at others, to whom they place excessive demands. Often, perfectionists themselves depend on the opinions of other people because they feel the need for praise and meeting other people's expectations.

This desire to achieve an ideal often takes a pathological form and can cause nervous breakdown. “There is no limit to perfection,” so a perfectionist is rarely satisfied with the result. He is not able to rejoice in the present, because he is haunted by a feeling of dissatisfaction, imperfection and an endless search for the ideal.

Living more simply means learning to accept the world as it is.

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