In moments and little things - your life: appreciate and be attentive!

Have you ever noticed that some people take life easier? They look at many things more optimistically, do not dwell on the negative, and notice the good more often than the bad. You may gravitate towards communicating with them in order to be “infected” with this easy outlook on life, and even seek advice in difficult situations. But it is also possible that they irritate you with their calm state and positive outlook on life. You can't call them irresponsible or superficial, but they don't look like boring bores either.

What's the secret? Why is it normal for some to be able to enjoy little things, while others are not touched even by grandiose events? It's all about the personality structure of each of us.

You are only happy when something big happens.

What is the most recent happy event you can remember?

If you're like most people, this is probably a big deal. Maybe it's a birthday, graduation party or corporate event.

Although this is a special occasion for you, it is wonderful, but it should not be your only source of happiness.

After all, why do you only allow yourself to have fun a few times a year when you can find joy in small moments every day?

Now let's talk about how you can start feeling happy every day, and not just on special occasions!

Behavior model of a cheerful person

Striving to feel the feeling of joy in life is inherent in each of us. Just living is not bad. And when

existence is filled with joy, prosperity, it is completely happy. Who doesn’t want this life for themselves?

Often a certain event or phenomenon awakens this positive feeling in a person, but it quickly passes, giving way to slight sadness followed by fading joy.

Joy is a feeling of pleasure, admiration, comfort, relaxation, inner satisfaction and well-being.

You can be happy about even the smallest little things if you learn to be grateful. True bliss is given to those who know how to truly appreciate life as they have it here and now. A person who is independent of other people’s opinions acts and lives without looking back or thinking about failures. And he manages to successfully realize all his goals and dreams. He finds happiness and is filled with joy from what he has done.

You should not betray yourself, your beliefs, and also act decently towards others under any conditions. The Universe will definitely reward you for this. You should not complain about fate and doubt your abilities. It is better to decide to take a step and perhaps even make a mistake, than to retreat and regret that you did not take advantage of the chance to be happy.

A positive attitude helps you achieve what you want. Anyone who doubts, sees everything in black, is what he gets in his life. He believes that everything around him is against him, so there is no “smell” of joy here.

Why should you rejoice in the success of others?

In this case, envy prevents you from experiencing joy. With this negative feeling you can easily destroy yourself from the inside. It devastates and gives nothing but irritation and anger. You cannot submit to envy. It is better to strive for your own well-being, to be inspired by examples of happy and successful people. They are truly worthy of respect and inheritance. This is a very difficult path, but the game is worth the candle. Having overcome all obstacles, you will be able to achieve your goal and get decent results. And you will definitely be pleased to see those around you with whom you can share your joy, and not envious people.

Where does the feeling of joy come from?

Each of us can have different sources of joy. They come in material and spiritual planes.

Some people become happy if they acquire:

  • expensive clothes, jewelry, etc. It is important for them to buy something or plan acquisitions, to spend time and effort to find something new, exclusive;
  • new gadgets. Adults are as happy with them as children. It's like buying a new, long-awaited toy;
  • real estate. Everyone wants to have their own cozy corner;
  • automobile. This could be a cherished dream. It is important that the purchased car brings benefit and pleasure, and not just waste.

Others get spiritual joy from a change in weather, a sunny day or rain, as well as sitting around a fire or a charming landscape, beautiful flowers, etc. Each of us is individual in character and perception. These people value nature more, connecting with it much more than buying real estate or moving up the career ladder. This helps them in difficult life situations.

It is important to value equally everything that brings joy to a person. If you lose one of the parts, you will not be able to succeed in the other. Happiness and fun will definitely settle in your life if you appreciate every little thing, even the shortest pleasant moments.

Happiness Begins with Generous Gratitude

Happiness is not necessarily about intensity, it can be about the frequency of positive experiences.

To feel that we have many happy moments, we must constantly monitor them.

Keeping a gratitude journal can really help with this.

Buy a new notebook and keep it near your bed. Before you go to bed, take time to list five things you are grateful for.

Here's an example:

  1. I'm grateful for the delicious breakfast
  2. I'm grateful to have spent time in nature.
  3. I'm grateful to meet my friend
  4. I'm grateful to have a hot cup of tea
  5. I'm grateful for buying a new T-shirt

As you can see, you don't have to reach any significant milestones to write in your gratitude journal.

Instead, you'll learn to focus on the many good things that happen every day—things we often ignore or take for granted.

Keeping a gratitude journal allows you to:

  • Increase happiness
  • Make you healthier
  • Help you sleep better
  • Increase empathy
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Make yourself mentally stronger

Train yourself to take care of your health

Your health is the main capital you own. If you realize this in your 20s, you won't have any regrets when you turn 50. No matter how your life turns out, taking care of your health should remain a priority for you.

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Don't let yourself skimp on sleep. When you don't get enough sleep, you feel tired and groggy all day. If you don't get enough sleep on a regular basis, anxiety and stress become your constant companions. You develop depression, your health is destroyed. Train yourself to sleep at least 7-8 hours.

Don’t get carried away with fast food and unhealthy products, focus on healthy eating. Make sure your menu is balanced, eat more vegetables and fruits. From time to time, arrange fasting days for yourself. Exercise regularly and love movement. Don't forget to drink enough water.

Taking care of your health also means giving up bad habits. If you smoke or drink alcohol excessively, stop now. You will soon see your life changing for the better.

Don't look too far at happiness. It's right next to you

Besides keeping a gratitude journal, there are a few tricks to help you focus more on the positive things in your life.

Here are ten suggestions to get you started:

  1. Surround yourself with positive people. They will help you appreciate all the good in the world and will not drag you into negativity.
  2. Create positive affirmations based on what you love in your life. Write them down or repeat them in front of the mirror every day. For example: “I have a great life.” "I love my job"
  3. Be careful. Try to be concentrated on what you are doing. For example, breathe deeply and close your eyes while drinking a cup of coffee, appreciating the whole process
  4. Spend less time on social networks. Stop comparing yourself to others and start enjoying your own life
  5. Take photos of small joyful moments. Have you had a great purchase at a store near your home? Take a photo and double your happiness by looking back and remembering this moment
  6. Write about small happy moments. This is another great way to enjoy them. Write down every small detail, focusing on all five senses
  7. Decide to be positive. How you view situations is up to you. Try to reframe the negatives. Instead of thinking, “I hate commuting,” try thinking, “I’m so glad public transportation exists so I don’t have to travel miles.”
  8. Planning happy moments. Don't wait for special occasions to make you happy - create your own. Plan a fun day in the city or a trip to a museum you've always wanted to visit
  9. Help others. It turns out that helping others boosts your mood, and it's a great way to double the happiness you bring into the world.
  10. Set an alarm on your phone and remind yourself to be grateful for something that happens every time, even if you're stuck in a boring meeting or in line at the grocery store

Happiness is not just about big events and milestones.

Take the time to enjoy the little things every day and you will become healthier, happier, and mentally stronger.

The structure of the inner "I"

The inner “I” of every person has three main components:

  1. The child self is very similar to us as children. He does not know responsibility, often acts on emotions and really knows how to sincerely rejoice in little things and enjoy every day of life. His motivation sounds like “I want.” He focuses life on feelings and desires, makes us feel pleasure in life. This is where our joy, creativity, and charm live.
  2. I am a parent very similar to our mother. He helps us fit into society, is responsible for norms, rules, a sense of duty, and sets goals and objectives for us. The motivation of the I-parent is “impossible, necessary, dangerous,” and the view of everything is critical, responsible, evaluative, logical. It seems like he has no need to be able to enjoy simple things or little things.
  3. The adult me ​​is like an ancient Chinese sage. He is responsible for actions and results, approaches all situations with the yardstick of “profitable, useful, expedient.” Reasonable, thinking, solving problems that arise “here and now”, the adult self is not emotional, takes care of money, saves and increases, owns our instincts and reflexes, and acts automatically because it knows exactly how to do it. Everything he needs to know is outside the sphere of carefree enjoyment of life.

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Christina, 30 years old

“We changed our apartment and moved almost from the center of Moscow to the region. We now live on the 22nd floor. Everyone asks: “You probably regret it? How can you change an apartment in Moscow to one in the Moscow region?” And I come home tired, go onto the balcony, sit on a bar stool, look at the Moscow Canal, yachts and boats sailing past, and planes taking off into the sky. And it takes away everything as if by hand: fatigue, problems, and vanity. I don’t regret it at all!”

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Fate is fickle

Sometimes even the most insignificant event that happens in the morning dramatically changes people's mood for the better. Therefore, you just have to say: “Rejoice every day,” quotes on such a topic cause a genuine surge of optimism. And, indeed, fate prepares for any person an innumerable supply of pleasant surprises.

  1. There is no true happiness without terrible black stripes separating it from grief.
  2. While a person is alive, he is not able to correctly assess his fate.
  3. Even in the most desperate situation, a person is always given the chance to be pleasantly surprised by something.
  4. If you enjoy every new day, then every new day will bring you a little real happiness.
  5. There is no need to constantly think about the bad. This is how you create problems that were not there in your life in the first place.
  6. Never blame yourself for all the troubles that befall you. They are not your fault. That's how the stars aligned.
  7. Anyone who knows how to rejoice for other people is able to love his entire existence as a whole.
  8. A child is surprised every day of his life, regardless of the circumstances.
  9. Rise and shine!
  10. Loneliness and freedom should not be confused.
  11. Don't give up on life if it fails your expectations. She will give you 1,000 more reasons to be happy.
  12. To become happy, you need to be able to love everyday little things.
  13. Be grateful every day! No one knows when your happiness will suddenly end.
  14. Help provided to another person brings relief not only to the unfortunate person, but also pleasure to the one who supported him.

Veronica, 28 years old

“Before the New Year, my neighbors gave me a lot of fir branches for Christmas wreaths and garlands. I left them in the garden overnight, got up in the morning and it was raining. I planned to do it outside, but had to bring it into the house. And here I am sitting on the floor in the kitchen, sorting the branches. Needles are flying from them, water is dripping, and I am happy, listening to Christmas music and weaving. Thoughts came to mind that my mother would kill for such a pile of dirt. But after that they were replaced by the realization that I am the mistress of my home and I do what I want in it. What a pleasure it is. Although, it would seem, nothing special.”

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Olga, 37 years old

“One day I came home from work, it was a good day: a lot of interesting conversations, the boss gave me a bonus, the project was delivered. I’m sitting on the couch, digesting the past and suddenly I realize that I’ve been living in this rhythm for a very long time. This thought made me cry. But these were tears of happiness. I wanted to live such a life for so long, but I didn’t notice how I came to it. And just realizing this I was delighted.”

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Learn to communicate with people

Communication is an art that you also have to learn when you embark on the path of self-improvement. Pay attention to how you interact with other people. Is communication easy for you or do you encounter any problems? If you find it difficult to find a common language with others, understand the reasons for this. Perhaps you should enroll in a public speaking course.

Try to spend as much time as possible with people you enjoy being with. Avoid “toxic” relationships that destroy rather than benefit. Surround yourself with positive people who are primed for success. Communication with them will be a great motivation for you.

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Avoid conflicts in which you may not be involved. Learn to look at a problem from different points of view to better understand those who conflict with you.

Small is part of the big

Happiness lies not only in the implementation of grandiose plans. “Learn to enjoy the little things,” quotes with similar advice can be useful to many people. Anyone who has the gift of not missing out on the little gifts of fate will make those who live next to him happier.

  1. The poor man is also satisfied with his existence in his own way. But his pleasures are different from those of a rich man.
  2. After the worst blow, you need to get up and just take just 1 step. You yourself won’t notice how you go. Then you will begin to move confidently. And soon you will be surprised to notice that you are running.
  3. Only by looking back does a person realize that he was happy precisely in those moments that were marked by tiny joys.
  4. Truly wise people do not miss pleasant little things, but are calm about great reasons for rejoicing.
  5. Small pleasures add up to great happiness.
  6. When life deceives people, they can only be able to show attention and love to the everyday. It sometimes turns out to be the last thing that does not leave them.
  7. When making money, a person often loses sight of the little things. And then he thinks about them with pain, realizing that happiness has passed by.
  8. Only animals and children truly know how to enjoy the small pleasures of life.
  9. You should learn to enjoy tiny events. Fate does not always fail to give people reasons for true happiness.
  10. If you think you have friends, then at least tell them about your little troubles. You will immediately understand that you have no friends and never have had them. And thank fate that I found out about them in time, before their help was needed.
  11. A blossoming flower sometimes brings more pleasure than a promotion.
  12. If a person wakes up in the morning, then the first thing he needs to do is thank his fate. Many people were not given this pleasure today.
  13. When people enjoy little things, they open the door for great happiness to enter their lives.
  14. And how happy is an unhappy person even with his small luck! The lucky one does not even suspect such reasons for gratitude to the Almighty.
  15. Love. Then your whole life will be filled with joy.
  16. Fate will strike you many more stabs in the back. And only the ability to enjoy the little things will help you endure them.
  17. If everyone in your family is alive and well, be grateful to fate! Little things like that are far from small.
  18. One should not think that there are great and insignificant pleasures. There is only the happiness of existence.
  19. Old people sit on a bench and smile. They remember not the great achievements of their lives, but the mere little things. The smile of their child, the purring of a cat at the stove, or a beautiful sunset by the sea floats before their eyes.
  20. If a person does not rejoice at minor successes, he will not be happy from major success.
  21. Good mood is hidden in small joys.
  22. It's the little things that add up to great happiness. And major events turn into smoke of memories.
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