7 things that a mentally weak person cannot do

From a psychological point of view, man is the most developed and most complex creature. And the most controversial. Each of us, to one degree or another, contains traits and qualities that characterize our shortcomings and advantages. And everyone has them. So how do you understand who is a strong person and who is weak?

Strong people are not those who are completely devoid of shortcomings and weaknesses. Not at all. A strong person is not flawless, but he knows how to take control of his life. Including those aspects of character that are weaknesses and obstacles on the path to success and self-realization in life. Unlike them, a weak person is inclined to indulge them, which is why he gets stuck for many years in the whirlwind of a life that is completely alien to him. And qualities, in turn, form habits, which become hooks that keep a person in the comfort zone. What are these habits?

Suffer in inaction

Worrying about what might happen under certain circumstances breeds inaction. But a strong person can curb his anxiety and begin to act according to the plan. While the weak continue to suffer endlessly, without changing anything in life.

Portrait of a weak man

A weak person is the same as a strong person, but with a minus sign. That is, everything is the other way around for him. Yes and no. There are signs by which a psychologically weak person can be easily identified in his environment. To do this, analyze the behavior of your friends. Or perhaps something from this list is about you?

  • A weak person complains more and more often than other people. Life is like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs. But even being at the top, a weak person complains about his existence, finding a reason for this. And instead of trying to get out of a difficult situation and solve problems, he talks about difficulties to others, regardless of their opinions and desire to listen or lack thereof. This turns people away from the weak person and introduces another reason for complaint.
  • A weak person does not strive to leave his comfort zone. He is afraid of life changes, even if they promise only the best. Vegetating in routine, he builds a life. He thinks that it is safer this way, he feels protected, even if in fact this is not the case.
  • A weak person does not take other people's opinions into account. Yes, you need to live your life the way you want. But being able to find a reasonable grain in the opinions and statements of other people is very important. To a certain extent, it pays to listen to others. This gives impetus to the development and improvement of one’s own personality.
  • A weak person gives up without a fight. This is perhaps the most obvious sign of a psychologically weak personality. This is expressed not only in the inability to finish what has been started, but also in the lack of perseverance. A strong person forgets that success does not come to those who have done nothing to achieve the result.
  • A weak person is jealous of other people. He does not achieve what he wants on his own and is openly jealous of those who have succeeded. But each person has his own recipe for success, and the circumstances for achieving it are not the same. Instead of biting your nails with envy, you should find your own path.
  • A weak person gets angry. Of course, no person can live without manifestations of anger. But what is the object towards which this anger is directed? If this is anger at yourself for your inability to achieve something, it will most likely direct you on the right path to self-improvement. But if this is anger at circumstances, at other people who have succeeded, where will it lead? It is absolutely impossible to never be angry. But unjustified destructive feelings break a person from the inside.
  • A weak person tends to dramatize. He talks about how hard it is for him to cope with life’s troubles and characterizes his life in a negative way. They say about such people that they are pessimists, because they do not see the light ahead. But negative mental projections are imposed on life, leave an imprint on a person’s present and future, and there is no escape from this.

You can understand the difference between a strong person and a weak one without resorting to an in-depth analysis of the personality. There is an ordinary, everyday understanding of “strength” and “weakness”. But at the same time, it can vary from person to person, and the definition of category occurs on an intuitive level.

Sacrifice your interests for the interests of other people

Sacrifice is by no means a positive quality, as it might seem at first glance. Just the opposite. If we do not know how to defend our interests, love and respect ourselves, which, again, indicates weakness, we will never be able to give something good to those we love. We simply will not have the internal (and often material) resource for this.


Read also: What is your strength?

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How can a weak person become stronger?

There are no hopeless people. Anyone can become stronger if they want. You should get rid of your shortcomings gradually. To do this, follow the advice of psychologists.

  1. Play sports. The key to mental strength is body strength. Make yourself a rule: go to the gym in any weather, regardless of laziness. Morning jogging can also train endurance and willpower. Develop a healthy lifestyle habit and it will make you stronger.
  2. Set goals for yourself. A goal is a clearly formulated dream. But this alone is not enough. You need to go to achieve your goal.
  3. Say what you think. When expressing your opinion, do not be afraid to defend it. This is one of the skills of a strong person.
  4. Don't be afraid of failure. Think of a roller coaster: the fall is followed by a rapid rise. Failures are also experiences, albeit negative ones. By avoiding it, you will not learn to overcome obstacles.
  5. Don't blame others for your own failures. If something doesn’t work out, it’s not the circumstances or other people who are to blame. Learn to take responsibility for actions, analyze thoughts, feelings and intentions.
  6. Love yourself. Low self-esteem will not help you achieve what you want. You will have to get rid of negativity towards yourself gradually, but it is achievable.
  7. Find something you like. It can be related to your main life goal, or it can become a hobby that helps you relax after a hard day. When you devote yourself to what you love, immerse yourself in it headlong, and this will help you achieve results in your chosen field.
  8. Read books. How does what we call “general development” happen? By plunging into a fictional story, the reader projects it onto himself. The algorithm of actions is postponed on a subconscious level, so in a situation close to the one in which the literary hero was, you will know what to do.
  9. Fantasize. Dream, play out “what if?..” situations and don’t bury your own creative abilities. And even approach ordinary tasks with a dose of imagination. This way it will be easier to deal with them, and the world will open up to you with new interesting facets.
  10. Let go of the negativity. No, you don't need to wear rose-colored glasses. But the world is not a minefield. There is a place for good people and good intentions.
  11. Say no. Don't force yourself and don't do something to the detriment of your own interests. Fulfilling the desires and whims of strangers will not lead you to success.
  12. Get rid of unnecessary people. Let them go from your life and surround yourself with those individuals with whom you are interested and from whom you have something to learn.
  13. Help others. You can become a volunteer or simply feed a homeless kitten. Such actions change a personality, make it stronger and kinder.

Remember that there are no exceptionally strong or weak people. We are all strong in our own way, but sometimes we need support and understanding. Therefore, a strong person is not alone. He helps loved ones and is not afraid to ask for reciprocity if he needs it.

Examples of strong-willed people

There are known cases of survival in the wild, and for several days in severe weather conditions. There are many examples of people who, despite difficulties and health problems, have achieved enormous success in sports.

  • One of these is Mark Inglis. This is a man from New Zealand who, in 1982, lost both legs during one of his expeditions to the mountains. This became possible due to frostbite. But already in 2006, this man overcame Everest. In this he was helped by prosthetics, as well as enormous strength of spirit and will. There are a huge number of such examples when a person, having lost some part of the body, legs or arms, continues to go towards his goal and does not give up sports. It would seem that most people would have given up long ago, folded their arms and stopped exercising, let alone playing sports, but would not have been able to return to normal life. Despite everything, these people lead an active lifestyle that even completely healthy people with arms and legs can envy. All this is impossible without enormous fortitude, which allows you to overcome obstacles and go towards your goal, no matter what.

    Macr Inglis

  • Stephen Hawking is one of the famous theoretical physicists of our time. Despite a serious, incurable illness, he achieved enormous success. Oddly enough, despite his disability, he did not lose heart and led a fairly active lifestyle. In 2007, he carried out a zero-gravity flight on board an airplane. In 2009, I was planning to fly into space, but unfortunately, this flight did not take place. This man lost the ability to talk, but his mechanic friends made an on-board computer, as well as a speech synthesizer, thanks to which he could calmly communicate with people. He taught for quite a long period of time at various universities and institutes. He lectured on quantum physics, astronomy, and mathematics.

    Stephen Hawking

There are a huge number of examples of manifestations of fortitude. It is much easier for absolutely healthy people to educate and develop the strength of spirit, constantly testing the body.


In 2004, Frank Warren printed out 3,000 blank postcards and distributed them to passersby, asking them to share any secret they had. He didn’t have much hope for success, but within a week he received more than a hundred completed postcards. Today their number has exceeded a million, and Frank himself became the founder of the Postal Secret project, where people continue to send postcards with secret confessions.

People strive to be sincere. They want to share their experiences and fears, but don't know how. And when they find a suitable way, they gain a little peace of mind. After all, this is how they understand what needs to be fought. For example, here is the text of one of the postcards that came to Warren:

“I am a firefighter by profession, and I am afraid that the day will come when I will not be as brave as I should be.”

You don't have to shout your secrets out loud. First, admit to yourself the reason for your worries, and only then look for someone to share with.

You will be surprised to learn how many problems can be avoided if you decide to be sincere in time.

Methods of influence

People's weaknesses make it much easier to achieve human goals in any area: work, family, social activities. The main methods of influence are as follows:

  1. The ability to interest a person. You don't need to have great skills for this. The main thing is to convince the interlocutor or offer something in return. Motivation must be strong enough to motivate a person to take the action you need. Consider the situation in relation to children: “Let you clean your room, and I’ll give you candy.” Thus, motivation also works with adults, but the mutually beneficial offer must be much more serious. This could be a promotion, a bonus, or an extra day off.
  2. A trick is a method of manipulation that puts the controlled person in an awkward position. Very often this technique is used in disputes and discussions.
  3. Stress. Fraudsters take advantage of this state to achieve their goals. This is a fairly simple method that does not require the development of additional skills. The fact is that a person who is in a state of stress, fear or depression very easily falls under the influence and suggestion of others.
  4. Influence through stereotypes. Most often, images that are well rooted in a person’s mind, as well as traditions and religious affiliations, come into play.

The methods described above are very diverse. They can be used both in family relationships and at work. Managing people is considered a useful skill in modern times. Some people tend to manipulate unconsciously. Applying techniques en masse is very risky. It is advisable to do this only if the majority of controlled people have the same pressure points or at least similar ones.

Source: fb.ru


Request for help

Asking for help is just as difficult as apologizing. These points are inextricably linked. The request forces the person to admit that he does not know how to deal with the problem. However, if we have done something wrong, it is worth asking for help from those who can guide us.

It's all a matter of who to contact with a question. If you want to get pragmatic advice, contact a professional. But if you're just having doubts, talk to a loved one who will listen to your story. Perhaps together you will find a solution.

Asking for help means not being afraid of your shortcomings. Therefore, if you don’t know what to do, ask. You don’t have to follow every piece of advice, just look at the problem through someone else’s eyes.

Strength and weakness - where is the line?

Strength and weakness - where are the boundaries of these concepts?
Is the one who shakes space with kilogram muscles always strong, and is the one who is swayed in the wind so helpless and weak? Where are the criteria for a person’s strength and weakness, who can be safely called a strong person, and who in comparison is better to delicately leave “behind the scenes”? Who is a weak and a strong person?

Become taller, stronger, more authoritative, more beautiful, richer, healthier, more confident, more successful? – It’s tempting, isn’t it? Then why does the overwhelming majority of erect walkers prefer to envy those who already have these advantages and do not close the distance to their ideal? Is the distance really that great between a successful person and a loser, a healthy handsome man and a sickly pale weakling, a financially independent person and someone who is used to “living on credit”? To answer these questions, let's try to figure out who is a weak and a strong person?


“Gray roads, gray skies, gray faces” - this is how my friends describe city landscapes. And it’s not often that you meet people there with a sincere smile - simply because they want to please others, and not because they received a salary.

Optimism doesn't come easy. That is why only strong people adhere to this view of life.

Their secret lies in the supports of a good mood: thoughts, objects, people that can raise morale at any second. To create such supports, it is worth regularly asking the question: “What makes me happy?”

And so that these supports are not washed away by a wave of despondency, you need to turn less to the main sources of all worries - the past and the future. After all, both are just thoughts in the present. This means that if you look for a source of inspiration in the present, the past and future will always be happy.

Unfortunately, this does not guarantee that you will no longer suffer. But this is the main difference between a strong personality and a weak one: a strong person always has hope.


Without food a person cannot survive for long. People are manipulated through food, first forcing them into gluttony and then offering them a huge variety of diets.

Food represents many ways of manipulating both overt and overt control of humanity. People forget about the dangers of many products produced by modern manufacturers. In essence, it turns out that food begins to control a person. Sometimes people tend to become its hostages.

What you need to know

The art of manipulation is not only about knowing weak points. It is very important to know that:

  1. Any skill requires practice. One should not be guided by the theory of manipulation; practice is necessary. Almost no human skill comes out of nowhere.
  2. Each person has his own individual psyche. If some methods work for one, there is no guarantee that they will work for another. Your knowledge and skills should be used on people with extreme caution.
  3. You can influence a person only if he is disposed towards you.
  4. Before convincing a person of anything, you need to find out as much information as possible about him. For example, place of work or study and personal qualities.
  5. To manage people, you need to be absolutely confident in your words.
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