Laziness as a sign of genius. 4 types of laziness and whether you need to fight it

Getting rid of laziness: useful tips

If you want to become more active and involved in your own life, you should eliminate the very causes of this condition.
How to overcome laziness? Eliminate the following factors:

  • lack of interest in what you are doing;
  • energy exhaustion;
  • creative crisis.

Each of these factors causes laziness and the feeling of giving up, but each of them requires a different “treatment.” In some cases, changing the type of activity will be a good solution, and sometimes you need to continue doing the old thing, but raise the bar.

The main thing is not to overestimate your capabilities. Don’t wait your whole life for an idea that will “explode” your everyday life; instead, act gradually, reaching more and more new heights.

“Many have a dream that can be realized within a week, but they make it the dream of their whole life,” words belonging to an unknown author, but how clearly they reflect the state of most people!

Take a simple test. Let's say you're too lazy to get up early in the morning. Will you enjoy it if you have to get up early to go, say, to the Maldives, Bali, or around the world? The answer is obvious, right?

The main thing is to see the meaning in what you do.

It’s good if a person is initially characterized by hard work. He will quickly become bored with laziness as a useless, idle pastime. But most people have a monotonous life: home - work - home... Monotonous work activity quickly leads to a decrease in motivation. And this, in turn, is a sure way to laziness. Which exit? Obviously, you need to add variety to your daily routine.

You can sign up for courses, lectures that you have long wanted to attend, or go in for sports, if this desire does not leave you. In some cases, it will be useful to change jobs, if possible at this stage, or go on vacation, make friends with people with whom you would like to maintain closer relationships.

Another way to avoid bouts of laziness is to create a daily routine and stick to it.

Pay special attention to your body and body - a contrast shower in the morning gives you strength and energizes you, not to mention the fact that you definitely won’t want to sleep after it. A healthy diet will provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Listen to good music, take a few minutes to meditate and visualize.

Work with contentment, feeling satisfaction from what you have done.

Feeling cheerful and energetic is a sure indicator of physical health. Therefore, you should exercise daily. You can start with the habit of doing exercises in the morning. And in your free time, do yoga, fitness or sports games. It all depends on personal preferences. Exercising promotes the production of endorphins, so very soon such hated exercises will come to your taste. Don't forget about your body, take care of it, care for it and cherish it.

Why do people become lazy

Many people who want to overcome laziness in themselves begin, one way or another, to think about the question of where inaction comes from. Instead of fulfilling the tasks of life, a person prefers to drown out the voice of conscience within himself and continue to sleep. The reasons for laziness as a personality trait lie in a lack of understanding of one’s life purpose. When a person does not have global goals, the implementation of which makes his soul tremble with delight, nothing else can truly captivate or excite.

Another reason may be that the person was once forced to give up achieving his dream and has since been living someone else's life. But, living by someone else’s rules, you cannot feel self-sufficient and happy. So a person rushes about from inner despair: every year dissatisfaction with himself grows, bad habits become stronger, and the feeling of the meaninglessness of what is happening grows.

More harm than good?

According to numerous statements, laziness is a vice. Moreover, laziness is the mother of all vices.

It is easier for a lazy person to steal than to earn. A lazy person would rather cry to be pitied than do it himself. A slacker would rather successfully blame everything on obstacles than see opportunity and chance. A lover of idleness would rather complain about the unfavorability of fortune than about insufficient efforts.

Consequently, a lazy person becomes greedy, envious, and evil. One sin leads to others. A vicious domino effect.

How to overcome chronic laziness

Go back to the reasons again. Is it possible to cure both learned conviction (when you firmly believe in your helplessness and laziness) and the consequences of the flu with one medicine for laziness?

Of course not. For laziness is not a disease, in most cases, like a runny nose, it is a symptom. And it is impossible to treat a runny nose without understanding the disease itself. You can drip your nose, but for how long? The reasons are varied, so the approach may be different. Nevertheless, I will give some advice if your chronic laziness is learned (has become a habit).

Do what motivates you, what you like

Possibly chronic. Laziness is your soul’s protest from work. If you suffer from chronic fatigue (the friend of laziness) due to your work, maybe you should change your job?

It is impossible to do everything only what you like. But be sure to add enjoyable activities to your daily routine. Break up the monotony of your routine.

Less lazy, more work

Becoming a productive person instantly is quite difficult. The way to overcome chronic laziness is to always have a place for laziness in your life. But firstly, this place should gradually become smaller, chronologically. Secondly, you have every right to be lazy, but only when you set it yourself.

Try to change something in your life

Boredom is another reason for laziness. Perhaps you're just really bored? Make changes in your life so that the last thing does not remain in it.

Get support from your environment

Humans are great imitators. Use your subconscious desires to imitate others to your advantage. Look up to and surround yourself with people, surroundings, TV programs, websites about motivation (my blog) and other useful things that will contribute to your desire to act actively.

Subscribe to mini newsletter

You can always subscribe to my mini newsletter on how to overcome laziness. It is, of course, not for all occasions, but it contains two very powerful strategies that can really change your whole life.

What to do with chronic fatigue

First of all, you must rule out the presence of acute or chronic forms of diseases, such as diabetes, stomach and intestinal ulcers, cardiovascular problems, and early stage cancer. To do this, it is better to undergo a medical examination. Expensive, tedious, but worth it. At the same time, you will learn a lot about yourself.

If the body is more or less in order, take care of your lifestyle. The causes of chronic fatigue, as an independent disease, lie here.

  • General computerization is the main culprit of rapid fatigue. With the massive spread of computer networks and electronic gadgets, the electromagnetic background of the surrounding space has increased significantly. Try to reduce the time you spend with your computer and laptop during work hours and give up the bad habit of falling asleep cuddled with your smartphone.
  • Working in the dark erases the boundaries of ri. Melatonin production fails, which weakens the body’s immune function, disrupts carbohydrate and fat metabolism, contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases and accelerates the aging process. To ensure full functioning, you should fall asleep no later than 10-11 pm, devoting at least 6 hours to sleep at night.
  • Violation of the diet deprives the body of substances necessary for normal functioning - the source of its energy. Long-term diets or being on a diet deplete internal reserves, forcing the body to go into energy-saving mode. Try to include in your diet everything necessary for the full functioning of intracellular energy stations: fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, cold-pressed vegetable oils, meat, fish, cereals, dairy products - all in reasonable proportions.
  • Lack of regular physical activity (hypodynamia) leads to depression, muscle tissue atrophy, and cardiovascular pathologies. There are malfunctions in the hormonal system, and the risk of developing cancer increases significantly. Daily exercise is a mandatory “minimum program” to support the normal activity of a healthy body.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to experience significant improvements in your well-being within a week.

Laziness as a symptom of energy decline

Every person experiences a lack of energy and desire to do what they love from time to time. You work selflessly, feeling the joy of the work done, but gradually you simply run out of steam and your strength leaves you.

What to do in this case? First, review your diet. Not all problems are spiritual; physical health is also a very important factor. You should think about relaxation, for example, go on vacation, recharge yourself with positivity and get the necessary incentive to continue your work.

Laziness is, of course, a common, everyday phenomenon, the eternal companion of any person; it can be both a gift of nature and a real punishment. But how far it will go depends only on the individual and the case.

What is the opposite of the concept of “laziness”? Synonyms and antonyms of this word are quite varied. The words “idleness”, “idleness”, “laziness”, “apathy” will be similar in meaning. The opposites are “industriousness”, “labor”, “active activity”.

Alternating work and rest is a sure way to keep yourself in good shape and maintain energy balance. Remember that you need to take equal care of your physical and mental health.

How celebrities dealt with laziness

In the end, we will present some interesting facts from the lives of famous people who encountered laziness and found a way out of such a difficult situation. Here are at least the most typical examples.

  1. Leonardo da Vinci. The man is famous and, of course, a genius. If he had been lazy, he would not have created so many great works and developed so many different mechanisms (not fully understood even today). To stay productive, he came up with his own way of staying awake and resting. The point was that he worked for 2 hours, then slept for 20 minutes. And so “in a circle” over and over again. Contemporaries claimed that the genius could spend several weeks at a similar pace. He not only did not get tired, but also gradually increased his efficiency. Perhaps you should also experiment with sleep and wakefulness?
  2. Victor Hugo. The famous writer resorted to a wide variety of information just to force himself to work. But he was constantly distracted by something: he wanted to meet relatives, visit interesting places, travel, and so on. To literally force himself to stay at home, he did stupid haircuts with his own hands. In the time of Victor Hugo, it was shameful to walk unkemptly. And, having had an awkward haircut, he was forced to sit at home until his hair grew back. This took a month, or even more. Feeling bored by sitting at home, he wrote and created almost around the clock. As we know, this brought good results.
  3. Joseph Haydn. A famous composer who was also incredibly productive. For example: he could write a symphony at night, then rehearse during the day, and perform in front of the audience in the evening. Is an ordinary person capable of this? The secret is that he refused to eat for days on end, and sleeping on an empty stomach is problematic. To distract himself, he had to create for days on end. Although they say that he did not refuse red wine. Wine helped him stimulate creative thinking.

What conclusions can be drawn?

An adult should not be ashamed of his laziness. It is possible to overcome it. It is only necessary to determine what kind of situation we are talking about. We found that laziness can develop against the background of a long-term illness, long holidays, or depression. We also found out how to deal with laziness in each case. Now all you need to do is understand what situation you are in specifically. And then it’s a matter of technology.

Or is there more benefit than harm?

Laziness is a feeling of not wanting anything. It is in the interests of a lazy person to ease his lot. The creative mind will not always choose the bad path. Or maybe he is simply too proud to follow the easy paths already taken.

The man was too lazy to walk - so he came up with the wheel. Then a bike, a car, a plane.

The man did not want to lift weights himself, and soon a new miracle came into the world: a crane.

Man was reluctant to do calculations himself - and he invented the computer. Now everyone uses a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone. Despite the fact that it is precisely because of these technical innovations that most of humanity has become lazy, they prove the dominance of reason and its capabilities. Whether a person controls a computer or a computer controls it is the choice of each individual man/woman/child.

All these examples can be correlated with the already known established rule: laziness is the engine of progress. The pitfall of this statement is if it is also used as an excuse for idleness. After all, in order to progress, the mind must, on the contrary, work. “The soul must work day and night, day and night.”

How to overcome lack of composure

While studying the problem of lack of composure, the same English scientists found that their compatriots are distinguished by this property more often than residents of other countries. This conclusion was made after one statistical study: how many UK residents lose their keys per year? It turned out that there are quite a few of them - more than 5.5 million, and women in this sense are “champions”, losing different keys 4-5 times a year.

What is the reason for such lack of composure? Psychologists believe that CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) is to blame: tired people unconsciously strive to get rid of their keys in order to reduce the number of responsibilities and problems that “fall” on them every day.

Conclusion: in order to get rid of disorganization, you should do exactly what interests you, and not convince yourself that “everyone lives like this” and “there is no escape from problems.” A person is happy to bear responsibility for himself and his life only when he is doing what he truly loves, and in such cases there will simply be no place for lack of composure and other negative phenomena in our reality.

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Tags: lack of composure

Reasons for laziness.

For those who nevertheless decided to look into the essence of the problem, we will analyze the main reasons for laziness and recommendations for action. After all, knowing your enemy is the first step towards overcoming it. Since laziness is a subconscious reaction of the body to a certain activity, to understand it it is necessary to understand the basics of psychology.

Lack of motivation.

A person is too lazy to get down to business if he is not motivated enough to do it. This is if we talk about external incentives. For example, a child will be more willing to learn lessons if he knows that he will get something pleasant afterwards. Or he won't get something unpleasant. In this case, laziness can be overcome by bribery or threat.

It is more difficult to influence yourself. Self-motivation of adults is a complex science and not accessible to everyone. But at the same time, it is extremely important. After all, going or not going to work, looking for or not looking for another client can be much more significant than homework. And the consequences of such laziness will be an order of magnitude worse than a bad mark in a quarter.

Pointlessness of activity.

However, it should not be ruled out that the planned work does not make sense. In this case, procrastination is the first assistant and adviser. The inner voice does not have a huge arsenal of mechanisms for influencing a person. But those that exist are very effective. First comes laziness. If it is incorrectly interpreted, the next stage will be depression and psychosomatic disorders.

If a hardworking adult regularly feels lazy about a particular activity, he or she should reconsider the importance of doing it.

Pathological conditions.

Laziness can occur as a result of illness. Chronic fatigue does not affect just one thing, but covers all areas of life. The causes of painful laziness are varied. From an abundance of stress and regular overwork, to viral or bacterial infections, etc.

If such a condition occurs, it is necessary to take a rest for a while and, depending on the severity of its manifestations, even consult a doctor. Health is no joke and it’s better to relax at home for a week than to overexert yourself in the hospital for a month.


Perhaps, at first glance, laziness and self-confidence have little in common, but in practice, people very often put off important things until later, fearing that they will not be able to complete them. By increasing your self-esteem, you can overcome your fears and become more active. Understand that laziness is a fear of failure. But if you do nothing, success will not come by itself. It is best if such a person is supported by his immediate circle and helps him believe in himself.

Weak willpower.

In life, the balance between what I want and what I need is important. Some people, due to their character or upbringing, cannot bring themselves to do something. Their laziness is a weakness, not a protest against something. They lack self-control, self-control and self-regulation. To get rid of laziness, it is worth cultivating in yourself these “three pillars” on which a strong will rests. This will turn even the most notorious lazy person into an activist.


Laziness is characteristic of those who are not used to being responsible for anything in their lives. A banal desire to “go with the flow” and blame your problems on someone else. The blame for this lies with their parents. In any case, it’s more convenient for them to think that way. They always blame others, and circumstances prevent them from doing anything, etc. The older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to change this thinking pattern.


A continuation of the previous paragraphs, summarizing their main points. Laziness becomes a behavior style for many. I remember a Soviet cartoon about a lazy boy who ended up in the country of Nehochukhia, where he met the main Nehochukha - a large, amorphous and dependent man. In a humorous form, the creators of the animated film demonstrated the real cult of laziness, and what it can lead its adherents to. In this case, laziness is a destructive habit and should be gotten rid of.

We looked at what laziness is. We found out the reasons for its appearance. We analyzed in what cases it can be useful, and when it is better to abandon it. The main thing is that you don’t be too lazy to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. After all, the worst enemy of passivity is action. And to stop being lazy, first of all, you should start doing it.

Why are we lazy


A person is born and lives for one single reason: for him there is always a path that guarantees him continuous development and self-improvement.
And no one can interfere with this process except ourselves - our laziness, irresponsibility, reluctance to part with our habits can hinder our development. Most people dream of being loved, happy, successful, but not everyone succeeds. Why? Human life is full of different opportunities and situations where you have to make pleasant and unpleasant choices. Let's say a person gets sick and the process of recovery begins. It is the recovery process that makes you feel a real desire to quickly return to work, to feel this change in the energy of negative thoughts to positive ones. The ability to redirect our energy and thoughts to more constructive, positive changes and decisions makes us free and happy. It is not at all necessary to completely block the flow of your negative thoughts, you just need to change your behavior, thoughts, and attitude towards the world around you. Instead, using the experience of your previous behavior patterns and thoughtful analysis, you need to choose the most effective path to change your previous thinking to a more positive one. Changing your mindset is the first step to solving many problems in life. [1] It’s no secret that laziness is considered the basis of many low-quality conditions, and almost every person in his life is faced with a feeling of laziness, and knows that it does not come according to schedule. Most of humanity is periodically affected by laziness, regardless of nationality, age, economic and social status. Despite the fact that the human community has existed for thousands of years, a universal remedy for combating laziness has never been invented. Interestingly, it is mainly the inhabitants of large and small cities who are susceptible to laziness; they can afford to be lazy. But, when you need to sow a field, when you have nothing to feed your children and need to go hunting, when you urgently need to build at least some housing for your family so as not to freeze at night, then what kind of laziness can we talk about? When we wake up in the morning, only we, ourselves and no one else, choose how we want to live the coming day. Any lazy person has interests and hobbies that he agrees to do at any time of the day or night, without thinking. How would our lives change if we could consciously manage our laziness and, by redirecting it towards humor, positive emotions and thoughts, could restore our mental and physical state? In this work, dear reader, I will try to explain these human states, and understanding is the key to working with laziness.

Causes of laziness

2.1. Low or no motivation

The main strength of laziness is that most of humanity does not know what it is, which means there is no understanding of how to influence it and how to overcome it. Everything that you have no idea about or understand controls you, and everything that you have learned, analyzed and studied is amenable to self-control and influence on your part. Laziness is different, its origin can be completely different and you need to first understand it and, having identified the cause of laziness, it will be easier to overcome it.

At first glance, she is peaceful and quiet, lying on her sofa, but still somehow gradually ruining our lives, although it doesn’t seem to destroy or break anything. But fighting laziness also turns out to be laziness, and therefore it turns out that because of laziness, we often do not realize everything that we would like to realize, we do not achieve what we dreamed of, we do not achieve the image in which we would like to see ourselves in the future. Laziness often arises where the word “must” is heard, where there is no interest. And if you are very lazy, it’s probably worth thinking about why your life has turned into continuous responsibilities? Where did your interest in everything around you and passion go? These questions need to be answered someday! And maybe it’s better to let laziness tell you the answers than depression or various diseases. The most common reason for laziness is lack of motivation or lack thereof. We are lazy when we are forced to do something we don’t like, for which we have no soul, when there is no material interest, and if the result is not for us, but for someone else, then we don’t want to do such work either. But this same laziness suddenly disappears somewhere when we personally really need something and it is unlikely that there will be a person who will refuse work that arouses creative interest and gives satisfaction.

No matter how much you would like to, it is also impossible to do only interesting and exciting things; It often happens that you need to overcome and force yourself to do something. And then a person feels internal resistance and struggle, and an intrapersonal conflict arises. A person’s personality can be represented as a collection of different sub-personalities, each of which wants something for itself and strives for something, and therefore, it often seems to us that we are “torn apart”, since each of these sub-personalities pulls in her direction to accomplish what she wants. But, even in this case, you can peacefully negotiate with laziness. Let's say you can put off some task for an hour, for a day, but on the condition that you will definitely do it later, or by promising yourself that by doing the task, you will give yourself, your loved one, a tempting reward: rest, an interesting trip, etc. .

But laziness also has other reasons, such as mental and physical fatigue, a feeling of uselessness of the task to be done, a feeling of fear before performing a complex and difficult task. Taking all this into account and analyzing the reasons, you can determine the root of laziness: lack of motivation or insufficient motivation when there is no clearly defined goal. Basically, this state arises as a result of the unconscious resistance of the person himself, who somewhere in the depths of his soul understands and feels that he is not interested in what he is doing, that it is not his, that he is doing a job he doesn’t like and is going to the wrong place, that It is precisely this work that will not bring him closer to his cherished goal. In this case, it is important to have courage and find something that you like, that arouses interest and passion, which will help you correctly determine your life goals.

Each of us has a dream - lofty and beautiful, or a little mundane and ordinary, which one is not so important, the main thing is that achieving this dream is the strongest motivation with which we could go through life, solving any problems. But in order to achieve your dream, you need to decide what needs to be done for this, what steps to take. And if laziness begins to overcome you, then in order to increase motivation, psychologists recommend doing a special exercise. Imagine your dream in the most vivid image, imagine how you feel at the moment when your dream comes true. Stay in this state for some time, and then return to your reality. Imagine your life, say, in six months - time has passed, but you are still lazy and nothing has changed in your life. You become sad and ashamed of yourself, such a weak-willed person. But everything could have been different, and the dream could have become a reality if you had not been lazy.

The state of laziness appears as a result of a low level of motivation, which is formed for a number of reasons: others do everything for a person, he does not have the need to satisfy his needs himself, he does not see benefits for himself, there is no clear goal in life, or the work itself does not correspond to the person’s character, fears of change and novelty interfere. If we are afraid of something, then for some people it is much easier to plead laziness than to understand ourselves and our fears. Often people do not notice that the basis of their fears is selfishness - the desire to rely on another person, and if you delve into your thoughts, you can find laziness in them as an unwillingness to take responsibility for yourself. We must not fight laziness, but understand it. If we are too lazy to do something, then something is wrong. To understand your laziness, you need to understand its essence. Let's look at how laziness can manifest itself.

2.2. Types of laziness

In human life, laziness can be perceived not only as a negative state, because sometimes it plays a very important role and can even be beneficial. It can be compared to a litmus test that shows us what we want to do with pleasure, and what we avoid and do through force, in which direction to move further, and where it is better not to go. Here is an example of useful laziness - it appears when you are tired from work - physical or moral - and here laziness tells you that the body needs rest. After all, laziness, like any other condition, has many variations.

Is it possible to call those people lazy who, at first glance, do nothing - they just think about something, working for years to solve some problem? But it was these “lazy” people who found the most effective ways to solve various problems, rationally spend energy and time: from the invention of the wheel to the Internet, which had a great influence on the development of our civilization. Often laziness manifests itself in another form, when a person simply cannot start work, but after some time he does it quickly and efficiently. The fact is that it was precisely this time that he needed to think about and implement his plans. (See Figure 1).

Figure 1. Dreaming is not harmful, but not dreaming is harmful.

In addition, when we start work at the last moment, we have a certain argument with ourselves, a desire to experience stress, the so-called “adrenaline rush.” Circumstances force us to do this right now, there is nowhere else to retreat - but often after completing the work we feel dissatisfied.

Reluctance to work often appears as a result of physical and mental overload. It is overwork that often underlies laziness, when the body begins to rebel, defend itself from stress, demanding a break - this is a defensive reaction, it occurs when the body has already exhausted all its resources. Sometimes laziness is considered irresponsible when a person refuses to do something out of fear of consequences. It is easier for a person to do nothing than to remain guilty because of his mistakes and mistakes. Also, often the cause of laziness is the fear of the unknown, changes in life, fear of gaining new experience, which literally pulls a person out of his usual way of life.

To make our life bright and interesting, we need to make volitional efforts in various activities. Volitional action is always associated with awareness of the purpose of one’s activity, its importance and significance, with the subordination of all one’s actions, decisions and choices to this goal. A weak-willed person cannot overcome the difficulties that arise before him and take active actions, and therefore lack of willpower, lack of will, is the most common cause of laziness. Overcoming fears and uncertainty, you still need to force yourself to think, armed with a firm intention to change your life, destroying your old stereotypes and previous ideas. Therefore, having understood our thoughts and feelings, removing laziness from its “little world” in which it usually lives, we will gradually lose interest in it, focusing more on those hobbies, prospects and dreams that we managed to discover in ourselves.

But, if we consider laziness as a vice, then its most dangerous type is laziness of mind or intellectual laziness, when a person goes with the flow, even if the current situation no longer suits him. But he does not want and cannot take certain steps due to his beliefs and character traits. When a person is too lazy to even think about what he will do in an hour or tomorrow and his life rolls along by inertia and becomes unpleasant, but in order to change something in it, you also need to think; and I’m lazy to think, because thinking is work, and it also consumes energy. A lazy person has the habit of putting things off until tomorrow, until later, and ultimately doing nothing either tomorrow or in a week, and at the same time, justifying his laziness, finding excuses for his idleness, suffering from “inflammation of cunning.” Why do anything if there is always someone who will do the work for him without asking anything? After all, in any situation there are always hardworking, active people who are ready to live this moment of life for him. Remember Antoshka from the cartoon - there were always hardworking hands ready to dig potatoes for him. Laziness is dangerous because it can become a habit and even turn out to be contagious if you communicate with lazy people, because they always justify their inaction, “doing nothing,” this is their lifestyle.

2.3. Brain, neurons and self-awareness

And now, dear reader, let’s go on an educational journey and consider our laziness, with its varieties, from the point of view of knowledge of issiidiology. Why, you ask, is it so clear? After all, a person often encounters a state of laziness and it is familiar to many, but not everyone knows where it comes from and why it occurs. And this knowledge gives us new ideas about the multidimensionality and multivariance of the universe, about the multi-level structure of our self-consciousness, about how material our thoughts and feelings are, about the fact that the entire reality around us, including molecules, atoms, elementary particles, have consciousness and “ live,” even with us, but in their own worlds. In Iissiidiology, much attention is paid to such a concept as the intellectual and altruistic development of a person, how a person develops and improves himself, what qualities he develops in himself in order to make more conscious choices, the subtlest nuances of the psyche and behavior of a person, his interaction with the outside world are revealed, and also various other interesting information.[2]

The modern intense rhythm of life, information saturation, the struggle for survival - all this leads to the fact that a person’s life often becomes overloaded with stress, mental tension and therefore apathy and various types of depression appear. All these painful, low-quality conditions often accumulate over days and years, and it takes more and more physical and mental strength to contain them. As a result, we feel irresistibly tired and overworked. In order to keep up with the flow of life, a person has a need to reduce this tension in various ways: sleep, medicine, vacation, the desire to eat something tasty. One of these attempts to relieve tension is laziness, conscious or unconscious. But to really understand this quality deeply, it is necessary to consider the relationship between laziness and the brain.

According to issiidiological concepts, the structure of the human brain reflects the multi-level structure of our self-consciousness. Our ideas about something can be conditionally classified according to the levels of quality and direction, depending on which the work of different parts of the brain is activated. At this stage of human development, in the self-consciousness of most people the levels of unconscious (instinctive, animal), lower personal, higher personal and subconscious thoughts and feelings are active. A person’s personality can be represented as a certain set, a set (conglomerate) of its constituent parts, each of which represents a very narrow range of a certain level. Each conglomerate has its own development program, its own interests, desires and ideas. In many of our choices we are guided by unconscious, instinctive levels, which correspond to our selfish choices and reactions and which occupy most of the activity of our self-consciousness. This part of our self-awareness is characterized by cunning and resourcefulness, narrowness of perception and thinking, limited views and ideas, fears and laziness of the mind, which prevent positive decisions in various life situations and circumstances, and interfere with creative life creativity.

But, despite the greater activity of unconscious levels, we still, due to the presence of higher-quality subconscious levels in us, at every moment of life have the opportunity to choose which levels of self-consciousness to identify with and which not. But this requires awareness, understanding of what is happening to us and around us, and often we need to make significant volitional efforts on the path of self-improvement in order to overcome ourselves and change our lifestyle. Our various thoughts, feelings and emotions stimulate the activity of certain parts of the brain and thereby change our life, making it either bright and interesting, or gray, dull and lazy. [3]

The human brain is the most flexible, plastic and constantly developing organ that can adapt to various conditions of the external and internal environment, instantly changing its work patterns for any behavior required of it. As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres: the left hemisphere controls mental processes, makes decisions on any issues, using logic in mental activity, supplies the right hemisphere with a supply of energy and a good positive mood. The right hemisphere is the area of ​​intuition, its work is carried out according to predetermined programs and is mainly subordinate to the left hemisphere. The brain consists of a huge number of neurons interconnected by synaptic connections. By interacting through these connections, neurons form complex electrical impulses that control the activities of the entire organism.

The human psyche is, first of all, the constant activity of the nerve cells of our brain, which are structured almost the same as those of animals. The difference in the level of mental development lies in the number of neurons that form the brain and in the organization of their activity. The process of information processing occurs in neurons. Neurons can only store information when they can transmit it. The main task of a neuron is to transmit an electrochemical impulse through a neural network: from one neuron to another, which connects them to each other. (See Figure 2). But neuron is different from neuron, they are very mobile and are fueled by the energy of our desires, mental and volitional efforts, opening up new horizons. Our brain is constantly changing the relationships between neurons, forming new connections between nerve cells, changing the way we think, our habits, skills, the quality of which depends on which part of the human brain the neural chains are involved in. Within the newly formed neural connections, we discover a variety of possibilities; from this new state, something arises that was previously not available to us. [4]

Figure 2. Interconnections between neurons

If these are levels of the collective unconscious, then they are realized through the activity of the limbic system of the brain, which performs important functions to ensure the survival of the human body at the level of instincts and was inherited from our distant ancestors. This subcortical brain structure is actively involved in the formation of various behavioral reactions, aggression, self-obsession or, conversely, increased caution, slowness, reluctance to do something, think. Many people do not even suspect what kind of genetic inheritance we have inherited, how it prevents us from developing qualitatively and fully, improving ourselves, overcoming our fears, laziness and negative aspects of character.

Figure 3. Information exchange

At the moment, scientists believe that the human brain differs from the animal brain by a noticeable enlargement of certain areas of the frontal lobes (the so-called prefrontal cortex), connected by numerous neural connections to various parts of the limbic system. The frontal lobe cortex regulates the activity of the limbic system; it is one of the sections of the neocortex. This part of the human brain is realized through higher quality subconscious levels of the psyche and is responsible for individuality, movement, speech, for our ability to control our thoughts, emotions, instincts, to concentrate our attention, as well as for the ability to build our thoughts, actions and choices in accordance with goals that we set for ourselves at different periods of life. This evolutionarily developed part of the brain makes it possible to analyze and correct errors in one’s behavioral reactions, and is actively involved in long-term planning and determination. Therefore, by activating the neural chains of the neocortex through awareness and control of one’s thoughts and emotions, one must learn to analyze one’s egoistic states, habits, reluctance to do something, think, overcoming those animal instincts that are genetically embedded in us.

And now let’s return to one of the ideas of Iissiidiology about the multivariate and multi-world existence of all forms of consciousness: people, animals, plants, minerals and many other forms unknown to us. According to this idea, simultaneously with us there exist many universes, worlds, forms of consciousness and us, as different sub-personalities. As a result, thanks to the multivariate nature of “ourselves,” we are all interconnected and influence each other with our thoughts, feelings, ideas, i.e. we exchange various information fragments through DNA, neurons and hormones, causing various biochemical processes in the brain and hormonal system. [5]

All these descriptions are given so that the reader can trace the influence of our thoughts, emotions, feelings on the functioning of the brain, how they affect human behavior and that such a state as laziness is completely controlled by our brain and is directly related to its structure.

2.4. Hormones and laziness

In the life of every person, sometimes there come such moments when the mood changes sharply, apathy and depression arise, the desire to communicate with someone disappears, you just want to lie down on the sofa and not think about anything. This is probably familiar to many. Many people do not even know that among the many hormonal substances present in the human body, thanks to which we live, there is an enzyme called dopamine, a hormone whose level can be regulated. It is the lack of dopamine that is one of the main causes of such conditions and can lead to unpleasant consequences and affect both the psycho-emotional state and physical health, making us inhibited and lacking initiative. Without it, our life seems gray, dull and dull and there is absolutely no desire to do anything, think about anything. In addition, a lack of dopamine provokes problems with metabolism, chronic fatigue, decreased sexual desire, and Parkinson's disease. Dopamine supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system, is an important part of the “reward system” of the brain, as it causes a feeling of pleasure, which affects the processes of motivation and learning, helps control weight and is responsible for human performance. In addition to the nervous system, dopamine also performs a number of functions in several other systems of the body, being, in fact, a chemical carrier of genetic information.

This hormone, important in the human body, is synthesized by the intake of the substance tyrosine, mainly from food: chocolate, bananas, beets, eggs, sea fish, green tea, strawberries. But an increased level of dopamine can lead to serious consequences, to the emergence of various types of addictions, such as alcohol, drugs and other side effects. When dopamine is normal, it produces hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin, which together feel like happiness, joy, and good mood.

The human body is an interconnected mechanism in constant motion. Everything is constantly working and moving inside us: electrical impulses rush through the nerves, blood runs through the vessels, the heart beats. Man was originally created for movement. While we are moving, we are living. And there is no place for laziness here. Then where does it come from? Some people need laziness in order to rest properly and gather strength for the upcoming work. For others, work, all kinds of vigorous activity, are necessary so that later, as normal, they can rest, relax and gather strength for the upcoming work. Therefore, laziness is important and necessary, but at the same time, in some cases, laziness is also a bad quality in achieving and realizing desires, goals, dreams, success. As a result, it turns out that you don’t need to fight laziness or get rid of it, but motivate yourself to specific creative activities, sometimes radically changing yourself, so that each time you develop new neural circuits, gain new experience, you become more conscious, responsible and purposeful. Because any activity is accompanied by the constant formation of new connections in our brain, with the development of new skills and the solution of non-trivial problems, which ultimately make us who we are.

Until recently, only psychological reasons were attributed to laziness, but recent research by scientists has shown that laziness is not a lack of willpower, and the reason is also in the physiological processes occurring in the human brain. For example, researchers from Vanderbilt University have found that the brain of a lazy and apathetic person is more active, since in order to perform a particular job, he takes longer to make decisions, spends more time on it, chooses the easiest paths, and as a result, spends much more energy , just to get rid of any work as quickly as possible. (see below)

Modern scientists in many countries are conducting research devoted to studying the influence of genes on the activity of biochemical processes in the brain of various forms of consciousness, including humans. One of the main neurotransmitters in the central nervous system is dopamine, which is involved in the transmission of signals between nerve cells through a specific receptor protein. One of the groups of neurons that synthesize dopamine is associated with the limbic system, the center of emotions and pleasure. The release of dopamine in the neurons of this zone brings good health. In addition to the limbic system, dopamine receptors are also found in the cerebral cortex, where they influence cognitive processes: a certain level of dopamine is required for normal memory and attention. Special receptor proteins perceive dopamine signals (one of them is called DRD4, affects behavior) (see Figure 4). [6]

Figure 4. Dopamine receptors

The amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which is associated with memory, motivation and emotions, fluctuates from person to person. Researchers from Vanderbilt University scanned the brains of 25 people who took a test to find out how willing they were to work for monetary reward. They were asked to either solve complex problems for a large sum, or simple ones for a small sum. As a result, it turned out that participants who chose difficult tasks had higher levels of dopamine in the areas of the brain responsible for motivation. According to scientists, the same hormone can cause completely opposite actions depending on in which parts of the brain it is distributed. It turns out that what inclines us to laziness is the accumulation of dopamine in the insula of the brain, and human activity, unlike laziness, depends on an increase in dopamine levels in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and striatum. Scientists explained that dopamine is involved in the process of analyzing risk and reward, helping to decide whether it is profitable to try or not to waste your efforts. If dopamine levels fall below normal, this causes depression, which in turn leads to a feeling of emptiness, dissatisfaction, a feeling of failure in life, a person loses initiative and internal motivation. But at the same time, a high level of dopamine in the brain does not always indicate increased motivation. Researchers believe that the more often we force ourselves to act, not allow ourselves to be lazy, even if we really want to do nothing, the more dopamine will be released in the brain, stimulating motivation, giving us more vigor and energy. Therefore, positive thinking is absolutely necessary for proper motivation, good mood and mental health. [7]

A group of scientists has established and substantiated the existence of the phenomenon of laziness from a biological point of view. Mark Evans from the University of Edinburgh and his colleagues have studied in detail the mechanism by which the brain, protecting itself from lack of energy, switches to an “energy-saving” mode of operation. Scientists convince us that there are genes in the body that are responsible for human activity and performance. There is an AMPK enzyme in the human body, which is regulated by these genes and helps convert food into energy. The transition to this mode, in which the frequency of nerve impulses decreases, triggers the AMPK enzyme, which regulates the energy balance of muscles and other cells of the body under heavy loads. This gene prevents the production of dopamine, which has an invigorating effect on the body. Researchers have found that if the level of AMPK enzyme is insufficient, the human body quickly gets tired under any stress, both mental and physical. Scientists also claim that since the human body is a fairly flexible device that can adapt to the conditions given to it, regular mental and physical activity stimulates the body’s vital activity and increases the level of AMPK enzyme, even if it was initially low. Therefore, any lazy person, by changing his thinking to a better and more positive one, through physical training, can turn into an active and active person. It turns out that you still need to do morning exercises! New experiences, new experiences will help occupy the brain with other interesting information, and it will have to cut off the unnecessary. But this simply takes time and the brain must have a choice - and it always chooses what a person activates most often.[8]

From all of the above, we come to the following conclusion: so that we are not overcome by laziness, we must always try to stay at higher quality levels of our self-awareness, be conscious and responsible, think positively, be grateful to life, try to accept and love all its moments in all colors, live in joy and in a good, kind mood. And then nothing will darken our life, in which there will be no place for laziness.


From all of the above, dear reader, we can draw some conclusions that, despite the dominance of the unconscious levels in the multi-level structure of our self-consciousness at the moment, we always have the opportunity to make any choice: either high-quality or low-quality and consciously react to any current circumstances of life . It should be noted that the causes of laziness can be found both in the person himself (for example, characteristics of the nervous system, temperament), and in the influence of the world around us.

In order to develop, people are forced to satisfy their various needs. A need is a need experienced by a person for something: food, clothing, air, fame, power, work, communication, acquiring knowledge, creativity, etc. Needs cannot be observed or measured. Their existence can only be judged by human behavior. Needs cause a person to strive for their satisfaction and serve as a motive for action, to achieve a goal. Satisfying a person’s needs helps him to understand the world around him, become more active and inventive, strengthen his character and willpower, and prove to himself and others that he can achieve his goal. If our intentions, goals, objectives and aspirations do not meet our needs, then depression, apathy, and laziness arise. When our activity at the moment is consistent with our need, then we do not have any problems, and we do what interests us: there is no laziness, no boredom, no excuses or attempts to put off an important matter. It turns out that our laziness is afraid of passion and interest, so it is worth finding meaning and importance in any ordinary, everyday work.

We must also not forget that sometimes laziness is simply a necessary human need, performing a protective function. Therefore, laziness can be considered from different perspectives: not only as a negative quality of a person, but also as a physiological and psychological need - the need for rest. Psychologists regard laziness as a lack of motivation; geneticists see it as a hereditary factor. Scientists have concluded that moderate manifestations of laziness help us save our vital energy, which ultimately stimulates us to be active.

And in every case of reluctance to do something, you need to find targeted motivation and simply force yourself to implement new habits of action in order to change yourself for the better, gain experience and grow: after all, positive thoughts give rise to the right choices and actions. A person himself needs to begin to consciously decide: when to be lazy and when to work, taking control of his laziness. We cease to be a person, an individual, when we follow the lead of laziness, when it defeats us, lulling us with its bliss and relaxation, when we become hostages of our imaginary well-being, which offers us sweet dreams: “not now, tomorrow, someday.”

As a result, we can say that people are genetically predisposed to both laziness and goal-oriented activity. This means that we will either succumb to laziness and follow its lead, or, by connecting higher quality levels of our self-awareness in the form of awareness and willpower, we will continue to develop and improve ourselves, making our life bright, interesting and useful to people. It all depends on us as PEOPLE!

Laziness as an echo of our personality

However, often the reasons for behavior that is perceived by others as pathological laziness lie in personality traits. Moreover, the range of personal qualities that provoke laziness is unusually wide and varied.

Firstly, a very big friend of laziness is perfectionism, that is, the desire to bring everything to perfection, to brilliance. Under the influence of such an attitude, a person has only two choices - to do something better than everyone else or... not to do it at all. As a result, realizing that it will not be possible to cope with the task brilliantly, a person refuses to complete this task, following the maximalist principle “To fall in love is like a queen, to lose is like a million.” And the result is: “The best is the enemy of the good.” Perfectionistic tendencies, as preconditions for laziness, are eliminated very quickly if a person has no choice left, and he finds himself face to face with the simple dilemma “Do the best you can, or you will remain hungry.”

Secondly, laziness is generated by the opposite extreme - extremely low self-esteem and uncertainty of the type “I will never cope with this task.” Such self-doubt provokes the desire to push things back to a later date or refuse to do them altogether. In this case, too, a person, faced with the choice of “do it and be disgraced” or “don’t do it and thus avoid shame and failure,” prefers the second option. Low self-esteem in this situation forms a strong motivation to avoid failures, when the goal is not to achieve a result, but to avoid the negative consequences of one’s actions. The strategy of inaction in this case is the most effective.

Thirdly, laziness can be caused by simple lack of discipline and disorganization. In such cases, various time management, self-management and planning techniques help. The main condition under which a person will adopt all these techniques is that he has a personally significant business and a very attractive goal.

How to stop putting off important things until later: the easy way

If you have procrastination, there are two ways to solve this problem:


Just start. Appetite comes with eating. The main thing is to start, and then you yourself will be carried away by the process

Promise yourself that you will work for just five minutes. And then it will be easier to get to work

The main thing is to start

Second: habit. If you are used to the action, it is not difficult for you to start doing it every day. You don't have to force yourself to brush your teeth or eat with a spoon, do you?

Develop the habit of working. For this:

  • Take on any task in which you need progress.
  • Break it down into small steps
  • Every day, for 20 days, complete one stage. After this time has passed, you can increase the time

Also watch a video about this method.

To make the habit stronger, start something at the same time

Common causes of pathological laziness

The causes are varied and most often affect adults, but can also, although with less frequency, occur in children and the elderly.

Here are the most common ones.

  • The desire for passivity. Leading a serene life, postponing everything until later are the main manifestations of pathological laziness. The pathological lazy person even picks up the remote control from the coffee table with his toes, like a skilled juggler, so as not to get up!
  • We have too many responsibilities. It may be that daily activities (work, social life, sports, family obligations, etc.) can be so burdensome that they put our brain into a state of procrastination. The mind, protecting itself from overload, simply does nothing. In this case, laziness is an important signal that the body sends to us, trying to tell us to slow down a little.
  • We experience fear or anxiety about certain things, people and/or situations. The new boss seems sullen and conflicted. The university teacher is looking for you with a menacing look and it seems that he will definitely “fail” the exam. The deadline for filing tax returns is approaching. Today you can find many reasons that cause fear, psychomotor agitation, anxiety and stress in us every day. For some people, this leads to problems with sleep and stimulates a kind of hyperactivity; for others, it acts as a powerful inhibitor, developing a state of pathological laziness.
  • Living in a state of depression and denial of reality. Of course, true depression is a rarer cause of inaction and apathy, but it is the most serious. There can be many reasons for depression, from hormonal imbalances in the brain to difficult life situations that force you to completely abandon the reality in which you live. Even in these cases, one of the most obvious manifestations of discomfort is precisely pathological laziness.

Types of laziness

Laziness comes in many different forms. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

1. Thinking. A person does not want to think about the results of this or that action.

2. Physical. Sometimes rest is simply necessary, but in everything you need to know when to stop and not overdo it.

3. Emotional laziness. As an individual develops, the emotional background also undergoes changes. The New Year is no longer the same as it was in childhood, the music is also not so catchy, and the partner has acquired a lot of negative aspects, people are worse and angrier than in their youth... Emotional extinction can lead to apathy. Such disorders should be treated by professional doctors.

4. Creative laziness. It is characteristic of many inventors and people of creative professions. It is observed when a person thinks for a long time about a question that interests him, and then unexpectedly receives an answer. A striking example is Newton with an apple that fell on his head during his hours of reflection.

5. Pathological laziness occurs if you cross boundaries and overdo it with rest. Psychologist D. Carnegie described such a case. One woman claimed to be seriously ill. Her mother looked after her while she lay in bed. When the mother died, the daughter was miraculously cured immediately.

6. Philosophical laziness. This type of “doing nothing” arises as a result of misinterpretation of religious texts. This is especially often observed with excessive immersion in Buddhism. If the world around us is nothing more than emptiness, then all actions lose meaning.

Each person is characterized by several types of laziness.

Types of laziness and their characteristics

Laziness has been classified according to many characteristics, including the causes and characteristics of each.
The most distinctive thing is its division into areas of justification. Which particular processes are most strongly affected by laziness are called this type. There are the following types of laziness:

  • Physical laziness
    . This is a feeling that arises as a signal from the body. May indicate fatigue, exhaustion or depletion of the body's physical potential. Of course, for productive work it is necessary to correctly alternate periods of work and rest.
  • Mental laziness
    . Inability to even think or analyze any processes. It is often observed among knowledge workers when, after a hard day, it is difficult to force yourself to count elementary numbers or think about the meaning of instructions.
  • Emotional laziness
    . More like the exhaustion of any opportunities to show feelings. Sometimes observed as a consequence of fatigue or a stress factor. The person is so tired that he does any work without showing any emotions, and is not able to reveal them even in situations that require it. Indifference to performing ordinary tasks discolors the working day and deprives you of the opportunity to enjoy work.
  • Creative laziness
    . Described as a process that is observed while coming up with new solutions and ideas. Often, if you need to organize something interesting and creative, you need to disconnect from routine tasks and concentrate on the main thing.
  • Pathological laziness
    . This is the extreme degree of any of its varieties, which manifests itself in a lack of motivation to perform any tasks. A person simply does not want to do anything or is deliberately idle, without even explaining this for any reason.

Important! Pathological laziness should be observed after complete rest and in the absence of fatigue.

What causes laziness

Views on situations that cause laziness vary. Here are at least the most common explanations for why an adult suddenly begins to be lazy.

  1. The “lazy gene” is triggered. Scientists talk about this and try to explain all human behavior by purely genetic reasons. Allegedly, the “laziness gene” is inherited. And for it to start, the trigger must work. This could be, for example, a lack of motivation to do something you don’t like or several days of rest in a row. A person who manages to relax begins to experience the influence of this gene, and eventually becomes lazy.
  2. Situational laziness turns into permanent laziness. This is the approach that is “professed” by neuropsychiatrists and psychologists. Unlike geneticists, they consider constant laziness to be a consequence of the fact that, due to fatigue, prolonged inactivity, poor nutrition and other factors, a sudden desire to rest takes root and then develops into chronic laziness. She is incredibly difficult to defeat on her own.

One might think that these views are somewhat similar, although they are fundamentally different. But for an ordinary person who wants to overcome laziness, this is not so important. What’s more important to him is how to get better from laziness. Here, first of all, we need to figure out under what conditions laziness appeared, and then build on that. What can you encounter in everyday life?

but on the other hand

Laziness can be described as inactivity of the body and spirit. Looking at the problem from this angle, it is easy to understand why laziness is bad. Inaction is sinful, because sometimes it brings much more trouble than committed actions. Not helping when help was needed, not making efforts when they were important... Why does this happen? Is this an innate characteristic?

What is laziness

Laziness is the ability to carefully avoid or constantly postpone physical or mental action.

There is “physiological” laziness, which manifests itself at many moments in our lives, and there is pathological laziness, which interferes with normal life, forcing us to only observe the development of our existence, as a spectator, and not as a protagonist.

Pathological laziness - symptoms and how to recognize it

The main symptoms that can help distinguish between physiological and pathological laziness essentially relate to our desire to remain passive.

Physiological laziness is characterized by:

  • sedentary lifestyle
  • conscious limitation of physical and mental stress
  • the tendency to procrastinate, procrastinate, and delegate to others

However, physiological laziness does not interfere with the functioning of social and professional life.

Pathological laziness is characterized by:

  • lack of normal social, work and emotional life
  • lack or excessive limitation of interests
  • tends to spend most of the day in passive mode

Fight, lose or negotiate

How to overcome laziness, this eternal enemy of achievements? No way. Moreover, this is not required at all (and let’s be realistic, it is impossible to do this). As mentioned above, laziness, like everything in this world, has two sides to the coin. This means that people should learn to use it for their own purposes and receive certain benefits from this cooperation. It's kind of a symbiosis.

What to do if you are too lazy to even move? You simply lie on the sofa or bed, slowly merging with this comfortable furniture. In the event of such an attack of laziness (not to be confused with real fatigue or poor health!) Try to look at yourself from the outside. So…

Here you are lying, absolutely relaxed, your hair is disheveled... Obviously, it could use styling or at least washing. Are you a man, and beautifully styled hair is not so important? Fine! There is two-, no, five-day stubble on his face. Not very neat either, is it? The skin on your face does not look very fresh... You should do peelings and masks... A peeling manicure does not make you more attractive... And your muscles literally spread across the horizontal surface... Maybe you shouldn’t take the tenth route to the gym?

Your laziness, so sweet and defenseless, lies next to you, on the already, excuse me, slightly smelling bed linen (when was the last time you washed it?).

As a rule, after such visualization a person gets up and starts doing at least something. This does not mean that you will run to the gym or go beat out carpets, but, as they say, the ice will break at least a little, and laziness will go away. Psychology offers many ways to counteract your idleness, but this one is one of the most effective.

Try it for yourself when the moment is right and see the results for yourself.

And remember: laziness, the causes of which are very diverse, is not your enemy. Moreover, with the right interaction, she is your faithful ally and inspirer. If you do not agree with this, proceed to the next section of our article.

Reviews and comments

Tell us, what are the reasons for your laziness and how do you deal with them? Leave comments under this post or in our groups on social networks.

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • How to use your work environment effectively
  • Why are we constantly distracted and how to deal with it?
  • Overcoming Procrastination with Thoughts
  • Psychology of laziness
  • Mistakes of perfectionists and how to deal with them
  • Fear of success
  • Ten mistakes when making decisions
  • 3 steps to overcome procrastination
  • Why is time management so important?
  • How to overcome the fear of a white page

Key words:1Psychoregulation

Laziness caused by a bad mood

There are times when you just can’t pull yourself together because of bad events in life or because of depression caused by a lack of vitamins, in the fall, or some kind of intrapersonal conflicts. It is difficult to give precise advice here, since there are too many situations. But you can try to use general recommendations for combating depression. If you defeat it, laziness should go away.

To overcome depression, you need to identify its cause and then eliminate it. A specialist will help you cope with intrapersonal conflict. If the problem is purely physiological, the following will help: proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, walks, solarium, sports and even sweets.

If the bad mood is caused by some situational troubles, you will have to “process” them: endure a reprimand from your superiors, damage to your favorite clothes (or mug, keychain, other trinkets). The negative impression from this usually passes quickly.

Are you afraid of success?

This statement at first glance seems absurd, but this is why some people do not do what is necessary, fearing the consequences. Dr. Pamela Wigartz believes that such adults simply do not want to take on too much responsibility.

Laziness is their defensive reaction to prevent others from assigning more responsibilities to them in the future. For example, such an employee fears that if he successfully completes this project, then next time management, who has appreciated his abilities, will assign him a more complex task and will expect him to successfully cope with it.

According to Mark McGuinness, people who are afraid of such developments should switch to the positive aspects that success will give them. This could be social recognition, a good income, or higher self-esteem.

Reasons for laziness

Laziness is not an innate quality. The causes of laziness, like many other psychological problems, lie in childhood. Then they develop over the course of life and envelop a person from all sides, causing him a lot of problems. If you remember being lazy as a child, then perhaps you adopted the behavior patterns of your loved ones very early on.

There are several typical situations that give impetus to the development of laziness in a developing personality:

  • A situation where you are forced to do something that you do not want to do (cleaning, doing homework, etc.);
  • A situation when you were called lazy, at a time when you were not lazy, but, for example, you were simply tired from doing some work and were resting. In this case, the definition of “lazy” could take root deep inside you, even if you did not agree with the person who called you that;
  • Excessive care from adults. When parents do not allow the child to develop independently and do everything for him;
  • The heroes of some children's fairy tales are not known for their hard work (the fairy tale about Emelya);
  • Lack of purpose in life;
  • Imitating others;

Methods to combat laziness

The first rule in the fight against laziness is to accept the fact of its presence in us. Yes, everyone has laziness. Some people resist it better, some worse. Some people are able to ignore it and take the necessary actions, while others find it more difficult to do so. But, regardless of the level of laziness in your body, just accept it.

The second rule is: take responsibility for your laziness. You are not a helpless turtle that lies on its shell and cannot turn over. Yes, perhaps other people are to blame for your laziness, but now it no longer matters. Now only you can change yourself.

A child who was forced to do something he didn't want actually had a choice. He didn't have to do it. Of course, this threatened him with punishment, but he had a choice. Or he could still do it, but inside he would develop a great plan, following which he would grow up to be a successful person who would never have to take orders from anyone again. And they say he would have come up with another plan, which would have destroyed all his enthusiasm and turned him into an inimitable sloth. In any case, the action is performed by the person himself, although without realizing it, and not by the people influencing him. Therefore, everyone must take responsibility for their laziness.

Third rule: stop being a slave to your own automatism

Pay attention to when laziness makes itself felt. It is best to keep a diary in which you will write down all the situations after which you feel bouts of laziness

This way you can track your problem and be able to develop a plan to capture laziness and ignore it further. Not getting rid of it, but just ignoring it. It is impossible to get rid of laziness, but you can distance yourself from it and no longer let it control you. You will understand what you really need in life and erase all the barriers that stand between you and your goals.


There is no need to force yourself. This is one of the most useful pieces of advice you can give to a loved one. Or to yourself.

Sometimes the subconscious knows better what each individual needs. And if you frankly don’t want something, then it’s definitely not what you need. The body feels that this activity is useless, meaningless for the one who is trying to master it. This reason is absolutely correct. It is so important to learn to trust yourself.

Of course, it also has pitfalls. After all, it is not the only explanation for human laziness. Therefore, it is just as important to learn to distinguish when something is not really needed, and when something is needed, but you will have to develop the motivation for it.

Negative emotions

What is lack of will in its pure form? This is an unconscious desire for peace, endless rest, oblivion. It has been noticed that a person with a reduced energy resource gets tired more, sleeps, eats, and moves less. He can go to the store, buy groceries for the week, and do whatever is required of him. But he is always busy with everyday affairs, immersed in the demands that society makes. This is what the problem of laziness and lack of will is. Strong people are always simple in reality. Anyone who wants to improve themselves always finds time for their hobbies, new interesting ideas, and promising activities. He also works, but in a different way: for him, activity is not just a source of income, but a way to change himself, show his best character traits, and cultivate talents and abilities.

You don't value yourself

People who suffer from procrastination actually experience much more stress than others. In one of the latest studies, scientists came to the conclusion that stress is associated with the fact that such people constantly think about their inability to achieve anything. That’s why they most often decide not to even start. At the same time, those who are calmer about their own mistakes work harder and more actively, not allowing negative thoughts to take over.

October 2, 2015

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