Think good, expect good. You think about bad things will happen

How not to think about bad things and not to stress yourself out if you are overcome by negative thoughts every day. Managing your thinking, forcing yourself to think positively is a difficult process that involves daily practice to master the skill of changing your mind and consciousness. Undoubtedly, this requires mental discipline, but by working on your thinking, you can really achieve what you want. Often the question arises before an individual: how to learn to live without thinking about the bad? Psychologists suggest thinking about this for a minute and realizing that far-fetched experiences, even justified and clearly reasoned, bring great harm. It is possible that the negative event will never happen, and the person is needlessly exhausting himself with negative thinking and cannot calm down in any way, without ceasing to think about the bad. So what's the point of tormenting yourself with bad thoughts?

How to learn not to think about bad things?

Any (negative or positive) consciously launched thought, repeated enough times over a certain period of time, can turn into a program. Understanding this, a person can force himself not to think about bad things. Because, for example, if for many years a person has been replaying the thought in his mind that he will always live in poverty, then in this way he creates a program in his subconscious, for the implementation of which he does not even need to think about it. Each person is capable of building his future consciously only through the course of his thinking. By working on positive thoughts and forming new patterns in oneself, a person can develop a subconscious program for success. Realizing this, each person is able to help himself, and thus learn not to think about the bad.

And in order to accomplish this faster, a person should imagine that at the moment of his thoughts he is spreading vibrations of the finest etheric substance around him. The human eye is unable to see thoughts just like gas. Thought is a subtle configuration of matter. Negative thoughts would become dark in color and look like thunderclouds. Happy, clear, positive thoughts would be colored in light colors and would be close to light, gaseous clouds. When an individual spreads bad thoughts around, he becomes an object for their influence. Annoying or fearful thoughts attract similar thoughts to themselves, uniting with them into a powerful conglomerate. As a result, a negatively inclined person will suffer not only because of his own bad thoughts, but because of the negative thoughts of others, which will only worsen the condition.

The longer an individual thinks along these lines, the more difficult his internal state and position will be. A person who is in a positive mood and has happy thoughts will attract similar thoughts and will feel happier and more joyful.

And yet, how else can you convince yourself not to think about bad things if negative thoughts constantly creep into your head? An internal dialogue will help get rid of interfering thoughts, in which the person must ask himself, what exactly is he afraid of? Often fears are associated with loss of career, illness or accident. Most fears are not related to the real state of things. What is the point of being afraid of losing your career right now if you are a highly qualified specialist. Why worry about getting sick if you are healthy? And why should an accident happen to you if you are careful and attentive?

Of course, there is a percentage of unpredictability, and no one can guarantee that everything will always be good. But is it worth spending your life living in constant fear, worry and apathy? As they say, what can happen cannot be avoided, and most of the problems invented by man can be solved, and what cannot be solved must be let go and not worry about it.

Think positive and be healthy

Eastern wisdom says:

“Man’s worst enemies would not wish him the troubles that his own thoughts can bring him.”

One of the greatest ancient healers, Avicenna, said this:

“A doctor has three means to fight a disease: a word, a plant, a knife.”

The power of words is very important here.

Once upon a time in Paris, Emily Kiy worked in one of the hospitals, being a psychologist, she obliged all employees and patients to repeat mentally and out loud ten times the same phrase three times a day. She did this at the risk of losing her job, because this method was not officially recognized and, moreover, she had to resort to lies, telling everyone that they were following the orders of the head physician, who, of course, knew nothing about this.

Day and night, staff and patients kept repeating the same thing:

“Every day I feel better and better.”

It was important to think about it and say it not just like that, monotonously and meaninglessly, but with feeling and with faith, and most importantly with a great desire for it to be so.

The strange method gave its first positive results by the end of the first month; quick healings are still the topic of many discussions not only in this hospital, but throughout France and throughout the world.

The results were truly stunning, many patients who were prescribed surgery no longer needed surgery at all, while others recovered at record speed.

The words of Paracelsus, who claimed that faith works miracles, were confirmed centuries later in this unique experience.

Today everyone realizes that health is a direct consequence of a person’s thinking.

The only trouble is that people tend to abdicate responsibility and shift it to other people, to circumstances.

“The best protection against all diseases, against any infection is this firm belief in one’s own health and positive emotions,” says psychotherapist with more than twenty years of experience, Andrei Metelsky. “Negative thoughts destroy. For example, anger causes gastrointestinal diseases. Over time, resentment leads to diseases of the liver, pancreas, and cholecystitis.”

Everyone knows how positive emotions, expressions of love, admiration, gratitude have a beneficial effect on health, and how harmful anger and evil words are for everyone, for those who hear them and those who utter them.

To be healthy, you need to learn to enjoy life, no matter how difficult it may be. There is always a choice, even the most difficult life circumstances can be accepted with humility or changed for the better, it’s enough to just be glad that you live, how much beauty can be found in life.

Life, destiny, everything and most importantly health, directly depend on a person’s way of thinking.

It's simple, thinking about the good, you will get the good.

You think about bad things, you multiply them, and there is no one to blame for this except yourself.

Our thinking gives birth to every event in our life.

It can be difficult like this, to dramatically change your thinking if you are used to constantly negativity, remembering the bad, talking about it, seeing only the shortcomings in your life.

To learn to see life as it is, a priceless gift, you need to try to follow two simple rules, one famous cardiologist, Robert Eliot, recognized throughout the world, the best specialist in the prevention of heart attacks and other heart diseases.

First rule: Unlearn being upset over trifles.

Second rule: Everything is trivial, only we ourselves give meaning to everything.

Think positive and be healthy!

Who thinks positively?

It is impossible to form positive thinking if you are a deeply unhappy person. Therefore, you need to start by understanding your inner needs, desires and motives. This is what we call “understanding yourself.”

Accordingly, being aware of your desires, you will automatically form the right positive thoughts that will lead to the right actions. And those, in turn, will make you happy. Thus, positive thinking is born from an internal state.

If you feel that it is difficult for you to figure it out on your own, contact a specialist with a specific request: define goals, outline a path. Otherwise, follow my recommendation: to understand your true desires, start taking action.

Yes, leave the “sofa” search for yourself and start a conscious movement, gain experience . Even with mistakes, no one can do without them. As you move, you will understand what you want and what you are capable of. It is important.

  • You shouldn’t close your eyes when they advise you to ACT, because now many theorists have developed, but there is not enough practice. We need to upgrade this point! Forward.

And to speed up the process of transforming your thinking, I will share a couple of secrets.

How to change negative thinking with meditation

More than two decades ago, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, the world's leading expert in neuroplasticity, showed how changing your thoughts can rewire your brain. In his basic research, he taught his patients how to change negative thinking into intentional rather than automatic. Not only did he give the world a new perspective on obsessive-compulsive disorder, but he also clearly showed how practicing mindfulness can give people more control over their lives.

You can also benefit from his research - learning to meditate is simple and rewarding as you quickly begin to experience the many benefits that the practice of meditation can bring to your life.

Meditation also increases the neuroplasticity of your brain. This is your brain's ability to change for the better. Just like exercising your body, meditation leads to better brain fitness - you can change your negative thinking to positive thinking forever!

The Power of Positive Thinking

There are different opinions on how positive energy affects a person. Spiritually developed people believe that the power of positive thinking can solve any problem. Despite the fact that many people view this statement with a grain of salt, researchers of positive thinking techniques have no doubt that thoughts are material.

Scientists have found that the human brain does not distinguish what it visualizes from what is actually happening. It concerns objects, events, situations. This explains how the placebo effect works. By focusing on joyless moments, a person plunges into the abyss of problems and misfortunes.

Anyone who has managed to change his negative attitude to positive thinking enjoys the joys of life, which, as we know, are obligatory companions to an approving perception of reality. The power of positive thinking is so great that one simple thought can change a person's life.

This is confirmed by the effect of affirmations - verbal formulas that, when repeated many times, reinforce the desired image or message in the subconscious, and are a way to keep your thoughts under control. An affirmation is a short phrase that helps you tune into positive thinking.

With the help of these attitudes, a person programs himself to have an internal feeling that he is happy, healthy, rich, successful, and promising. Such statements generate positive emotions, and after them come changes. People who practice affirmations every day claim that these attunements have changed their lives.

Secrets of cheerful people

Simply developing a positive mindset is not enough. You must adhere to the selected settings and settings constantly. To stay on track, successful people:

  1. They value what they have.
  2. Confident in yourself.
  3. Kind and welcoming.
  4. Constantly developing in all areas.
  5. Full of enthusiasm.

Practical tips will help in developing positive thinking. It’s easy to be happy every day if you concentrate on moments of joy, keep faith in the best, and share your good mood with others, despite minor everyday troubles.

Positive thinking is the key to success and happiness. This is not a limit, but an achievable goal if a person strives to change his life, is ready to tune in to new achievements, and overcome the boundaries of the currently stereotypical consciousness.

Tips and tricks to help you achieve peace of mind

Now let's cover a wider field. Not your thoughts, but the world around you. There is a golden rule in psychology: If you don’t like something, change the situation. If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards the world.

Example. We came for a picnic in a forest clearing. There is trash and plastic bottles everywhere. You can grumble and ruin everyone’s mood, including yourself, for the whole day. And the picnic will not be possible.

Or you can take and collect this garbage in a bag and even take it out. Then I praise myself internally; not only did it not ruin my mood, but it also brought benefits to the environment and the people who came with me.

What matters is what you think and how you react. How will your reaction affect the mood of your loved ones? Really, right? In fact, we ourselves can attract good things and create moods.

There is an option not only to collect it yourself, but also to organize a whole competition - who can collect the most and faster. And then praise and remember with pleasure this little incident.

Next tip. Enlist the support of your loved ones. Create a deal. Place your piggy bank in a visible place. Let's give everyone who spoke negatively about someone or something 10 rubles to the piggy bank. And in a month we’ll spend it on something useful for the family. This will not only help you learn to think positively, but also create a positive attitude for your family members.

Positivity and temperament

If this were a simple task, then lessons in positivity would be taught in school, but even here there are obstacles. The simplest explanation, or rather the “difficulties of positivity,” lies in temperament.

Most people are familiar with the division of the population of planet Earth into choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. It is also known that choleric people are hyperactive, and melancholic people are very depressed people.

It follows that choleric people are born positive, they really see the world brighter, time is much more dynamic for them, and emotions are always at their best. Almost nothing can knock them down; they look sadness in the face, laughing boisterously. What causes obvious distrust among melancholic people.

It will be very difficult for the latter to see the world as shiny and rich, since such people are very happy with the calm colors of everyday life. They usually float with the flow, without looking around once again. It would seem that since he seems to be happy with everything, why should he even think about the positive?

And yet, choleric people sometimes need to be pacified, and melancholic people need to be pulled out of the shadows. Both tasks are difficult, but sometimes a person comes into a period when he clenches his hands into fists and says to the world menacingly, “I want to be happy!” And actions to acquire a mass of positive things come into force.

How to stop thinking about bad things and stressing yourself out.

First, let's remember one parable, “Don't think about white monkeys.” In general, I like these teachers who can annoy the person who is waiting for them on the doorstep for 3 days. And then they load it in full. Yes, this is one way of teaching. But in my opinion it is very cruel.

So, how can I make this young man stop thinking about white monkeys? Or in our case, just stop thinking about the bad. In fact, everything is very simple. We can't stop thinking about something. You cannot give yourself the command: “don’t think, don’t think.” Our unconscious does not understand the “NOT ” part. And the more we tell ourselves don’t think about bad things, the more we will think about it.

There is only one way that we are allowed to stop thinking about bad things, that is, to get rid of second thoughts. This method is called "Displacement". That is, in order not to think about one thing, you need to start thinking about another. If you don’t want to think about white monkeys, you think about a pink elephant. You don’t like to think about a pink elephant, you think about the cheerful Granny Hedgehogs.

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Important addition. Just first decide what you will think about. Because if you jump from one thought to another. All the same, you will periodically return to that original bad, negative thought that you want to get rid of. But as always, any skill is not developed immediately. Sometimes it can be difficult to achieve this state the first time. What to do in this case.

Let go of fear

Fear is the most paralyzing of all emotions. Like a deer in headlights, if you are in the grip of fear, you cannot move. Identifying the presence of fear in your life is an important first step in changing your thinking from negative to positive.

Often fear puts on a disguise and pretends to be another emotion - anger. If you feel particularly angry and in denial, think carefully about why? Is this co-worker really pissing you off, are you really afraid that you won't be considered for a promotion? Labeling and “venting” the fear in your life can give you the courage to confront it and ultimately let it go.

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