Frame for a homemade frame backpack, thoughts

Summary to date

Well, that's all. I drew three different frame options for myself and will continue to see what suits me best for my tasks. Naturally, I do not set out to solve anyone else’s issues. The fact is that I often meet people who do not have tasks that should be solved by one tool or another, and for this reason they criticize the choice of a person who needs this particular tool.

The structure will be made of aluminum with fastening made of molecularly cross-linked polyethylene fittings for pipelines. The frame is small in size, about 50 by 30 centimeters. The frame is flat with polyurethane foam inserts on the back side. I'll try to install a weight belt in this design. I will try to squeeze in a shelf even if I have to sew on a plastic plate. To secure the load, I will try to provide a Molle fastening and a stretchy mesh. All sewing work will have to be organized so that it can be done as much as possible by hand, or cheaply in an atelier.

While everything is at the project stage, I will wait for questions and feedback. Then I will post the version that I like best. No intermediate options.

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Maybe a cargo platform?

Naturally, at home it is difficult to make a frame from fiberglass or carbon fiber with a given rigidity and dimensions. Moreover, it will take a lot of time to calculate and try it all on. But such a frame can be made from duralumin tubes, fortunately the D16T alloy can be found in most hardware stores, but the question will arise of how to connect them. Although I have studied this issue and I think that the best option would be to connect using corners to make a polyethylene pipeline. These corners hold both cold and pressure, are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and generally have very good internal diameters. Moreover, it is glued using epoxy resin.

The cargo frame has a couple of disadvantages. There is no shelf and it is below neck level.

The shelf is of high importance for my case, since we planned to use these frames to transport things that need a flat surface for support. But when using a loading platform, this event will be difficult

But I can somehow figure out a more optimal placement of the load above the neck using hangers and ties. Since one of the uses of this equipment is the transfer of seedlings, I would like to firmly fix them along the entire length, but making a frame about two meters high is not rational. Prefabricated structure is not desirable.

To the question of why you can’t just use a large expedition backpack, I’ll answer this way. I tried several different versions of backpacks, but the branches inside them broke, and it was impossible to pull it down to a flat rectangle using standard methods. As a result, we had to install corrugated boxes tied with tape inside the backpack and then had to tighten it from the outside with additional slings. When tightened, the backpack bag tends to be the size of a pipe, not a sheet. Also, the reason for which it is being developed is low cost and repeatability for volunteers. Most of them cannot afford to buy an expedition backpack, and there are no sponsors who will just buy 30 backpacks. It’s hard to find people here for this kind of work.

The best expedition backpacks for tourism

Osprey Xenith 105

Rating: 4.9

One of the most expensive backpacks in our selection. At first, I can’t even believe that such a product can cost 29-30 thousand rubles. This price tag is due not only to the 105-liter capacity, but also to the stylish appearance. The backpack is made in black, and it is very similar to analogues designed for transporting a laptop. And there are no protruding parts that can cling to branches and stones.

The manufacturer has introduced many modern technologies into its creation. For example, it uses a well-ventilated back called AirScape. There are also excellent anatomical straps that are easily adjustable in length. The waist belt, which bears most of the load, also brings joy. As expected, it has an individual fit. By the way, there are two pockets here, closed with a zipper. The things in them will always be at hand. Additionally, the belt can be equipped with a bag, having received it from the removable top flap.

The backpack has two loops to which ice axes are usually attached. The Osprey Xenith 105 also has other hinges, which allows you to place some other equipment outside. As for the insides, there is a separate place for the sleeping bag with a partition. The entrance to the main compartment is from above, from the left, and from the right. However, external pockets will be used much more often. There are many of them here.

Despite its large size, the backpack was not that heavy. The scales below it will show 2.49 kg. One of the things we have to thank for this is the lightweight peripheral frame. The volume of this model can be adjusted - this is done using an internal compression belt and a side tie. The backpack also boasts an aluminum rod integrated into the suspension system. This means that most of the load will be on the waistband rather than the belt. The manufacturer has not forgotten the outlet for the drinking system tube - not everyone will want to do without it on long expeditions.


  • Silicone coating protects contents from rain;
  • The drinking system is maintained;
  • Good volume adjustment;
  • Excellent fit;
  • A suspension system with an aluminum rod has been implemented;
  • There are loops for attaching additional equipment;
  • Large number of pockets;
  • Comfortable and functional waist belt;
  • The top flap is removable;
  • There are no complaints about the anatomical shoulder straps;
  • Not very heavy for its size.


  • Very high cost;
  • I would like more color options.

Which backpack is better, easel or anatomical?

Disputes over the advantages and disadvantages of this or that model have not subsided for many years. Proponents make compelling arguments for their choice, but there is no definitive answer. A powerful advertising campaign for high-tech anatomical products, from the point of view of fans of easel backpacks, is shattered when they propose to stuff a model with a soft back with things, food, canned goods, and then put it on. The difference is significant. Owners of an anatomical backpack will have a hard time, as hard objects will put a lot of pressure on their back.

In turn, fans of anatomical designs quite reasonably prove the validity of their choice by the fact that the product is more ergonomic than an easel backpack. The backpack itself is lighter, and traveling with it is more comfortable. In fact, it is better to use each type when it is most appropriate. It is no coincidence that many experienced tourists have several models that they choose depending on the situation.

It should be recognized that technological progress and the capabilities of modern industry have led to the fact that the latest generation of anatomical backpacks is in great demand. There is a logical explanation for this. They are more comfortable to use. When storing them at home, they are easier to put on a shelf, since there is no rigid frame. An easel backpack can only be placed or placed on a very large shelf. True, you will have to pay a little more for such convenience.

A special category of backpacks with improved characteristics is necessary for mountaineers and rock climbers. Often the product is made to order, or modified from a purchased model with your own hands. Moreover, stiffening ribs can be inserted into an anatomical backpack, and, on the contrary, some elements can be removed from an easel one. Thus, a kind of hybrid is obtained that has characteristics of both species. Perhaps the industry will begin to produce products that will not be similar to classic designs and will acquire new useful properties. At least, anatomical backpacks are increasingly equipped with rigid inserts, which makes them similar to their easel counterparts.

What to look for in a backpack

Many people tend to be subjective about this, but there are some things that are objectively available in all cases...

First, you need to know what you'll be doing outside. From hiking to camping, hiking and hunting, all activities and purposes have their own needs that different backpacks can meet.

Believe it or not, while a backpack is one of the most important pieces of gear, it is also the last one you will buy. This is because you need to see which of your team will choose the right backpack for the job; otherwise the backpack will be too big or too small to handle.

Once everything is decided and you have an accurate estimate of the size of the backpack, it's time to see what the frame should look like.

There are different types of frames, with different configurations, different mounting mechanisms and different specifications. Make sure that the frame itself extends from the top of the lumbar region and not higher than the top of the head for the sake of the spine.

Here you can make a short note about back problems that are increasingly common today. These back problems can be aggravated by the wrong frame, so make sure the frame isn't too stiff, uncomfortable, or sloped to keep your back elevated. The same goes for the straps and belt, make sure they are soft enough to make you feel comfortable.

Some backpacks have what is called a "sleeper compartment", which is actually part of the frame that is completely free and does not lift the bag. This is so that the sleeping bags and foam are tied to the backpack. This is also something you'll want to take care of if you plan to carry a sleeping bag.

A common desert safety tip is to choose a backpack that is bright and vibrant in color, especially if you're going out alone. This is so that search and rescue teams can easily locate it if it is lost or in an emergency situation.

Last but not least on your list is waterproofing. The vast majority of backpacks are waterproof by default, however, depending on where you plan to go, you may want to take a closer look at the details.

Check the zippers and whether there is a small flap on the top. See if there are other holes that need to be covered or if the manufacturer actually provided them with waterproofing solutions...


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One of the controversial and often discussed details is the protruding corners from the frame. Hunters want them so that they can hang a gun on them, and survivalists believe that this will make it more convenient to hang various things with grommets and eyes.

The protruding corners at the bottom make it easier to adjust the frame when walking and serve as some kind of legs on which this structure can stand without getting dirty.

For my purposes, these protruding parts are not critical, either on the positive or negative side. Perhaps in the future they will be needed to expand the functionality of the design. This solution increases the cost of the design by only one hundred rubles.

Criterias of choice

When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to several important points:

Machine material. Carbon fiber is considered the most reliable. In terms of characteristics, it is superior to its aluminum counterpart and is more resistant to impact loads, more resistant to fracture, and lighter. It is recommended to purchase high-quality tourist easel backpacks in specialized stores. It is better to avoid products of dubious manufacture. You are buying a backpack for many years, so there is no point in saving on it. All straps and belts must be equipped with adjustment mechanisms, have sufficient strength, but at the same time be soft. The most important parts are metal, but to facilitate the design, some of the fittings are made of high-strength plastic. Shoulder straps must be anatomically shaped

They are curved outward, made of several layers: strength, decorative, softening. It is important that there are a sufficient number of internal and external pockets. When choosing the latter, it is advisable to pay attention to the presence of a through hole. The weight and size of the product must be selected taking into account your own height and anatomical features. A very important criterion is the capacity of the easel backpack.

Preference should be given to products from reputable manufacturers. The control system there is extremely strict - from the careful selection of fabric to the set of accessories and belts. An experienced tourist can determine the quality of a product by touch or appearance, so when purchasing it is better to take such a specialist with you. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and choose a product that meets the basic criteria the first time.

Advantages of an easel backpack

The main advantage of easel backpacks over modern tourist backpacks is their relatively low price. An easel backpack will cost about 2 thousand rubles less than an anatomical hiking backpack.

In addition, an easel backpack outperforms a modern tourist backpack in a situation where you need to carry a load with sharp corners. The rigid frame of the easel backpack will protect your back from protruding sharp corners. You can even unfasten the backpack itself from the frame and carry oversized items on it.

Features and advantages of the design

The backpack got its name due to the presence of a metal structure that performs the functions of a frame and is called a machine. Traditionally it is made from light aluminum alloys

It was important for manufacturers to reduce the weight of the product as much as possible, giving it the necessary rigidity. Today the machine is made not only from aluminum

The best performance characteristics are characteristic of devices made of fiberglass and especially carbon fiber. The configuration of the backpack has also undergone significant changes. A rigid frame gives the traveler the following advantages:

  • uniform load on the shoulders and spine, the ability to walk with a straight back;
  • the presence of a large number of independent compartments for storing things with easy access to them;
  • possibility of individual adjustment;
  • ergonomic shock absorbers that ensure proper fit to the body and the necessary ventilation;
  • free placement of internal contents, which will not interfere with the hike or put pressure on you;
  • affordable price;
  • reliability and durability.

Admirers of this model can be found on any tourist route: in the forest, in the mountains. They are in no hurry to change their comfortable and ergonomic easel backpack, giving preference to more fashionable trends. There are reasons for this. No other backpack model has such a rigid design. At a halt, it can be placed in a stable vertical position, which is sometimes necessary.

The disadvantages of the design include excessive rigidity of the product. Falling with a backpack is extremely unpleasant and often painful. For high-altitude travel, it is better to purchase other models of special design. They are significantly more expensive, and if the desire for snowy peaks is irresistible and hiking is frequent, then it makes sense to spend money on such products. For a regular tourist route, a good frame option is perfect. Due to the design features, items in a tourist easel backpack do not need to be packed using a special method. Even randomly placed hard objects will not put pressure on your back, causing discomfort when walking.

Hiking Osprey Atmos 65 Anti-Gravity with a technological suspension system

Daredevils traveling on their own through the wild corners of our planet, just like loaded mules, dragging an exorbitant load in huge backpacks. But, in fact, their whole life is there for the next few days, or even weeks, depending on how long the hike is. So you won’t really save on things and, accordingly, the total weight of the cargo. Manufacturers of travel luggage understand this and are trying to create clever suspension systems that distribute the load throughout the body, and not just over the shoulders and spine. Osprey 's wizards do this job much better than most of the competition, and they've incorporated their latest innovations into the Atmos 65 Anti-Gravity .

In the suspension system of this miracle of engineering, everything is customizable, be it the straps, the height of their location, the length of the waist unloading and other parts. This is necessary so that the product is pressed as tightly as possible to the body and follows its contours, due to which it is possible to accurately distribute the load throughout the body.

With Atmos 65 Anti-Gravity, you can comfortably carry up to 27 kg and barely feel the weight. Naturally, there are a lot of pockets, compartments and bells and whistles, including specialized ones for unloading and on the backpack itself. For example, loops for ice axes, straps for placing large items on the outside of the backpack, etc. For all its functionality and impressive dimensions, the backpack itself weighs only 1.77 kg.

Curious : Do you know that the strap on a tourist backpack is the most mysterious?

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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