Hello, new life. How to give yourself a complete reboot

Each of us needs turning points in life. After all, only after this we will find new strength in ourselves and do what we dreamed of a long time ago.


What usually prevents you from starting a new life are anchors of excuses, brakes of hope and laziness, like a control shot.


A new life begins precisely at the moment when there is no longer room for the old one inside.


A new life is hampered by the past, which is trying to overtake you at the turn of history, blocking the path to the future.


The day will come and I’ll wake up different I don’t know, maybe a little wiser I’ll send to a well-deserved rest those little things that made me weaker


Everything that happens in our lives is for the better. Sometimes it seems like a dead end, it didn’t work out, it didn’t happen, it didn’t come true. It is not a dead end, a sharp turn, not the end of life, but the beginning of a new one


No more tears or bad mood, just a wide smile and happy eyes!


You cannot plan your life; a planned life ceases to be life and turns into continuous waiting.

How and why to start a new life?

Realize plans and dreams, find your calling and do what you love, move to another city, find new friends... Or achieve something else, focus on what is really important to you? And how to bring all this to life? Should you systematically, in small steps, move towards alluring goals or suddenly start living in a new way, with new things, habits and surroundings?

These are exactly the questions you need to ask yourself at the beginning of your journey. What exactly motivates you? What do you really want? And will a sudden change of environment work in your case? While they have many common traits, people are also very individual. We read different books, listen to different music and communicate with different people. All this affects everyone differently, not to mention that we differ in temperament, degree of extroversion and many other characteristics. The goals and life values ​​of two people will not always be the same. Will chasing something you didn't really need bring you happiness? Try to think about this, it will help you start moving in the right direction for you.

A new life always starts tomorrow

And it’s not easy, starting all over from scratch. Statuses are like folk wisdom: they contain meaning, humor, will, and weakness.

Do you need statuses about life from scratch? If I have friends around me, they will understand that I am at a crossroads. If you are enemies, it is better to leave everything a secret.


A turning point in life activates strength and dreams. And let your status of starting from scratch be not a reason to attract attention, but a guide to action.

The desire to start from scratch may be part of your development

You realize that you can no longer remain in this position; you don’t want to waste any more time and energy on what is pulling you down. Or you have reached the understanding that you have simply reached a dead end, and it is vital for you to change direction. The prerequisites for starting a new life can be external and internal. A feeling of emptiness inside, unfulfilled aspirations, fears and self-doubt on the one hand and something external on the other: a toxic environment, a oppressive environment, a job where you don’t feel like you belong. You may have other motives, some of which will be hidden even from you. And to get to them, you will need to spend some time thinking. Clean up your surroundings and your mind before you set out on your journey. After all, it is very important to understand WHAT and WHAT you are going to, what doesn’t suit you and what you would like to bring into your life.

Motivation, comprehensive approach, regularity

December is the perfect month for a personal reboot. The festive atmosphere puts us in a different mood, when we want to believe in miracles, plan something, dream about something. Give yourself at least 21 days to prepare for a new life in the new year, because even positive changes are always a little stressful for our body.

I’ll say right away that you will have to work comprehensively, that is, influence simultaneously on several different aspects of life: physical, social, mental and emotional. In addition, regularity is very important. If you want to really reboot yourself, one day is definitely not enough. And the most important point is motivation. Decide what you need all this for, clearly formulate your request or even write it down. Specifics are important, not general phrases like “I want to live better.” Your brain simply won't understand what "better" means. But, for example, “I want to receive 100 thousand rubles a month” is another matter. The main thing is that your motivation is objective, i.e. if you now receive 25 thousand rubles, but want to earn a million, then it is clear that a miracle will not happen in three weeks. Also try to fit your motivation into 5-6 words, no need to build complex sentences. It should also be formulated in the present tense. Let’s say, “I feel confident,” and not “In the new year, I will feel confident in absolutely any company, when I speak in front of my boss, when I meet new people, etc.” The brain will not accept the second option.

Motivation is a kind of red flag that stands, relatively speaking, somewhere in the field, and no matter what happens, we clearly understand where exactly we need to go and why we should put so much effort into it.

Article on the topic

Become happier. How to start a new life in the New Year

What's your starting point?

You may not be happy with the current state of affairs, but you need to accept it. Everything that is happening to you now is the starting point of your journey. A new life begins with awareness of yourself in the state in which you are now. Financial difficulties, illnesses, bad habits, people and things around you, your work and hobbies, behavior and actions - all this is happening to you at the moment. Most likely, some of this does not suit you, otherwise you would not be reading this material. But answer yourself honestly: how much effort have you spent denying this? Or looking for excuses?

Take it all in. Accept unconditionally and radically, without any reservations, with all your mind and consciousness. Denial and excuses take up so much energy... What haunts you, what worries you and pulls you down, can be a heavy burden, and it can really be painful and difficult for you.

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How to let go of the past

If you continue to carry the burden of past years behind you and constantly return to the past in your thoughts, then starting a new life will not only be problematic, but almost impossible. But many people find it very difficult to part with memories, even if they are sad and painful.

How to let go of the past and start living again?

  1. Stop replaying possible scenarios of past situations in your head . Eliminate from your thoughts the formulation: “But if only then, I would have done this.” What is done cannot be returned, so don’t fill your head with useless thoughts.
  2. Try not to make mistakes in the present so as not to regret them later. For some reason, human memory is designed in such a way that negative memories linger longer than happy moments. By your actions today you create your past. And it is in your power to make it cloudless and pleasant.
  3. Drive away the fear of change . Give yourself the mindset that your new life will be much better and happier. If you yourself believe in it, then, undoubtedly, it will be so.
  4. Carry out an audit of your home, getting rid of all things that remind you of the past . The same can be done in relation to the people around you with whom, for some personal reason, you have long wanted to stop communicating.
  5. Love yourself . After all, for the person you love, you always want to do everything in the best possible way, to protect you from all troubles. Become that person for yourself.

Acceptance will allow you to gather strength and start moving.

It will make it easier to make the decision to start a new life. And even if you fail and something goes wrong, you just accept it and try again, again and again. This way, you relieve yourself of the emotional burden and get the opportunity to spend resources on what is truly important to you.

By accepting your character traits and behavioral characteristics, you can build a plan for moving towards something new. Here it will become clear whether you can move in quick bursts or whether a slow, consistent style is more suitable for you. You will see what is frankly harmful to your relationships with people and to you personally, and decide whether to refuse or change it right now, that very minute, or it must happen gradually. You will be able to express your feelings and emotions in the most sincere way.

Acceptance will be the basis for your decision to start a new life. Having taken deep roots, new aspirations and desires will become a tree making its way to the sun through obstacles. You won't give up. Even if you reach a dead end again, you will not give up on your goal. Remember what you really want? The future may seem unattainable, but you have already taken your first and most important step along the way.

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Statuses about a new life from scratch

Whatever Monday is, it’s the beginning of a new life. How many of these lives have ended before they even began! I'm grieving.


Son! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you - And me? And I can quit school


If you have decided to start a new life, then the best place to start is exactly where you are now.


The body is filled with optimism and faith. My regime without beer and tobacco will be strict. A new life begins on Monday! But from which one specifically, I don’t know yet.


I'm starting a new life on Monday! What, you quit drinking, smoking and swearing? - No! I change my nickname, mailbox and ICQ number


Every Monday thousands of people start a new life. This does not include those who are born.


- All! Starting Tuesday I start a new life! - Why not from Monday? - What the hell is life like on Monday!


If I disappear for a long time, don't worry! I just went looking for bright colors! Draw yourself a new life You can look for me in a fairy tale!


Turning the page is not always enough to start a new life. Sometimes you need to change the book


A woman will draw doors where there are none, open them, and embark on a new path and a new life.


- Well, I can congratulate you! A new life has been born in you! - Doctor. but I'm a man! - Yes? Well, actually, the worms somehow don’t care.


It’s best to start a new life with new shoes. It’s easier to look at life’s troubles from the height of heels!


Many try to start a new life with the words: “I’m quitting smoking, drinking and swearing!”


Don't play your new life by the old rules. That's why it's new, to change everything completely.


- All! Started a new life. - How are you doing? — Today I threw out all my socks with holes. Tomorrow I'll go to the store for new ones. - Ah-ah. Well done! What will you wear?


So, don’t torture me: “Where are you going?” - If you believe the ancient scribe, Everyone, without options, is a candidate for the ass of the inevitable Arctic fox!


Let's all start with ourselves. Starting next Monday, I will throw cigarette butts into the trash can, and you will stop stealing billions from the budget.


You had a good evening if you wake up the next morning with the desire to start a new life under a different name and in a different city


— I decided to start a new life. - Have you really stopped drinking? - Not that new.


We will send the old life to the trash and empty it, and in Word we will create a new document and call it “New Life”, and start everything from scratch


While you are facing your past, you are facing your future! We turn around.


In order to start a new life tomorrow morning, you need to go to bed at least today. This is what is usually difficult to achieve.

Getting to know A and the cycle of new personalities

Justin wakes up in the morning, instructs his phone to set the alarm for 11:00 and 11:50 pm. At school he meets his girlfriend Rhiannon. They run away from school and spend the whole day together. In parting, the guy says that it can’t be like this every day. And the very next day he acts as if he doesn’t remember anything.

And a new girl at school meets Rea. When Justin approaches, Amy states that the guy doesn’t value what he has at all. The next day, Ree goes to a party with Justin. Justin drinks, and the girl is drawn into dancing by an unfamiliar guy. Nathan tells Justin that he is the cousin of the party host, and that he is gay. Therefore, there is no need to worry. A little later, the stranger runs away like Cinderella from the ball.

Still from the film “Every Day” (Ghost)

The next day, Nathan states that he doesn't remember anything and was probably possessed by the Devil. Ree receives a text message from an unfamiliar number in which someone makes an appointment with her in a public place and promises to tell her everything. An unfamiliar girl says something strange.

For example, that she is Nathan, and before that she was Amy, and even before that Justin. That every morning she (or rather he) wakes up in a new body and can’t do anything about it. Rea is shocked and thinks she is being played. And then the stranger cites very compelling arguments to justify herself.

Still from the film “Every Day” (Ghost)

Disappointing prospect and solution

He has no right to occupy Alexander’s body, and it’s hard for him to part with Rhiannon, but he sees no other way out. And he paints a perspective, a perspective that will get worse and worse every day. How can they be together if he constantly wakes up in different bodies?

What will happen a few years later when he wakes up as a married man or woman with children? What happens if she and Ree decide to have a baby? Whose child will it be? After all, the body is different? Ah himself will never forget Ri, but is planning to go somewhere in the big city. I liked his words that he still has so much to learn about himself.

The next morning, Alexander woke up on his own, but A left him with some memories of Rhiannon. But these two will have to figure out their relationship on their own. I hope everything works out for them. And A himself, in his new body, left the city, but always left his mark on social networks especially for Ri.

Still from the film “Every Day” (Ghost)

Dream and the Piraha tribe

I once read a short article about the Piraha tribe . If I'm not mistaken, it is located in South America and numbers no more than 400 people. As they write in many articles, they do not sleep... More precisely, they sleep, but in a peculiar way - they doze more in an upright position or sitting. The Piraha believe that sleep takes away strength, and when a person falls asleep, he dies and wakes up a different person . Also, Pirahas can change several names during their lives, because they believe that a person changes and over time the name no longer characterizes the person.

Since the Piraha tribe are afraid to sleep, their life is continuous, they have no concept of the past, present and future. They only have it now. Because of their features, they were called the happiest people on earth . Despite their primitiveness, the Piraha tribe is really very amazing and can teach us, civilized people, so to speak, a lot, but now about something else. One day, as I was thinking about this, I came to a surprising conclusion.

Let a person die while falling asleep, but when he wakes up, he is born again... Every day... This is amazing and wonderful!

This opens up new perspectives and so many opportunities that could hardly be dreamed of otherwise.

What am I talking about?

When you wake up, you are born again, a new person. You are not the same person you were yesterday.

Read this 10 times again and understand it well!

Other quotes about starting a new life

A few more interesting statements and aphorisms will help you understand how a new reality arises in a person’s life:

And suddenly you realize: it's time to start something new, and trust the magic of this birth. M. Eckhart

Now let’s welcome the New Year, full of unprecedented events! Rainer Maria Rilke

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Lao Tzu

The beginning is the most important part of the job. Plato

A wise person understands that a new day is a new beginning. After all, boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don't know about yours, but I do a ton. You can't turn back the clock, so you have to strive for something new. Mel Gibson

Change your thinking and habits

So, perhaps, having decided to start your life again, you have set fantastic goals for yourself and you could very well create an effective plan of action to achieve them. However, this does not guarantee that you will complete these steps. Now you need to work on developing the necessary mindset and habits that help support these actions.

The goal you are striving for requires certain things from you. It requires you to become a certain type of person, working toward a certain set of standards that will help you achieve that goal. If you fall below a certain level of performance, it will significantly hinder your progress. Therefore, you must describe what this new goal requires of you in order to make it a reality.

Everyone has their own cockroaches...

It turns out to be a very interesting story; it is not a person who lives, but a spirit that does not have its own body. And, as the guy calls himself, he spends every day in a new body since his birth. In fact, he does not have any problems of a material nature, but there are plenty of spiritual ones.

Each person has his own cockroaches in his head. For example, in his next incarnation he found himself in the body of a girl who was planning suicide. One day, A inhabited the body of Rhiannon herself. This day was special for him. One day he woke up in the body of a guy whose family was supposed to fly to another city.

This was the worst thing. This already happened to him once and he could not return back to the city where he lived before. Apparently the body is selected based on its territorial location, and not halfway around the world. And if at another time he would not have cared, now it would mean separation from Rhiannon. By the way, she is played by the young actress Angourie Rice, who recently starred in one of the episodes of season 5 of Black Mirror .

Still from the film “Every Day” (Ghost)

Aphorism by Paolo Coelho

If you are brave enough to say “Goodbye!”, life will reward you with another “Hello!”

This quote about a new life, written by the modern talented writer P. Coelho, will inspire every person thirsting for change. It’s so difficult sometimes to say goodbye to everything old that drags you down and doesn’t allow you to live normally. But if you really decide to take this difficult step, then fate will definitely present you with new opportunities. This quote about a new life with meaning allows you to gain the determination to finally let go of everything old. It is easier to do this when a person understands that giving up people or circumstances that are no longer appropriate in his life is not the end. If there is an awareness that the coming changes are already practically knocking on his door, then “waving the hand” to the past no longer becomes a tragic step, but simply a cheerful formality.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Any changes should be treated with caution. Sometimes the pursuit of innovation at any cost does not lead to good things. Phrases from the Internet often indicate such errors.

  1. Leaving your old life is difficult. But it’s even harder to get back into it. Almost impossible.
  2. If a person decides to introduce innovations, then he should first clear away the existing rubble.
  3. Don't think that in the future there will be less pain than before.
  4. Write down your life story on a piece of paper and then burn it. Then a new page will open for you.
  5. If another life is necessary to fulfill a dream, it is better to give up the dream.
  6. You need to be careful so that the beginning of your future life does not unexpectedly turn out to be its end.
  7. When a person ends a long relationship, he does not begin another existence. He begins to feel depressed.
  8. The future is not a new car. The future is a new look at your destiny.
  9. If your friend has started a different life, then first make sure that you also have a place in it.
  10. Dramatic changes do not happen for those who live prosperously. Only those who have experienced a terrible tragedy that has forever changed their personality become acquainted with them.
  11. What a pity that you can't empty the trash from the old life and download the updated version.
  12. When a dream comes true, change does not come. The same existence continues, but with a new dream.
  13. Every morning a person starts all over again and does not even realize how many other lives he manages to live.
  14. The more changes in a person’s life, the more freedom he gains.

Create a new action plan

By now, you should have a lot of clarity about the next steps you could take in your journey. You have learned from the past and through self-analysis you now fully understand what your strengths and weaknesses are. Now is the time to set some goals and create an action plan for this new beginning you are creating for yourself.

Your first goal is to set some goals. Make sure these goals are measurable and realistic. They should be effective at keeping you motivated and focused for a long time.

Engage in self-reflection and self-evaluation

Yes, this involves revisiting the past, but since you are no longer tied to the past, this experience will be incredibly rewarding and valuable.

Your period of self-reflection, self-evaluation and introspection will allow you to see clearly the events and circumstances that have led you to this point in your life. There are no more regrets or strong emotional feelings associated with these events and circumstances. Instead, you look back at them objectively so you can use what you've learned and start over.

Schiller's words

The following words are from the pen of the outstanding German poet Friedrich Schiller:

The old comes to an end, then time changes it, and, in the end, the new blooms from the ruins of the old.

Sometimes it turns out that a person loses something, perhaps he has to leave his job, change his place of residence, or abandon his relationship with his beloved. When the old thing is over, often because of this loss come feelings of bitterness, disappointment, and the desire to return everything to normal. But this quote about a new life gives hope in such cases: sooner or later something new will appear on the ruins of the old life.

This process can be observed both in living nature and in human life. When a tree reaches the end of its life, it dries up and falls to the ground. But his death is not at all a final death, a disappearance from the face of the earth. Dry branches begin to connect to the ground. Insects or small animals can live in them. Or this dry tree is found by a villager and he uses firewood to heat the stove.

In human life, in the same way, nothing disappears without giving room to new processes. You can often observe how a person grieves after the death of a close relative, or, for example, his beloved wife. Yes, this grief is justified, and nothing can make up for such a loss. But life moves on, and it is necessary to move forward - otherwise the person will face stagnation and depression. Sooner or later, a person starts a new relationship and lets the fresh air of change into his life.

Vladimir Gerasichev: “After the film, start a new life”

If you don’t like reading books, then you can get information on how to start living again from a wonderful video that lasts just over an hour. It is only advisable to watch it to the end. This is a film by Vladimir Gerasichev about how different people achieve their goals. What’s impressive about the video is that a person is taught here not so much to be successful, but to be happy. After all, while some cannot realize their dream, others simply do not even have it. All these situations are analyzed by the author of the video.

The best motivational training film

The video “After the film, start a new life” can rightfully be called the best. Yes, the author sometimes speaks harshly to people who came to him for training. Perhaps this is being done to motivate lazy people. But for those who have lost hope, it’s good to pay attention to Nick Vuychich, a man who has no arms or legs, and Slava Polunin, a famous clown, and also the winner of a rare award. There are other heroes here, and they are so different that everyone can find an example to follow. How it was possible to fit so much into a short video is beyond belief!

Watch Video: Life Changing Movie


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